91 Honda Civic in the book of common problems?

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Tom Allemani, Feb 28, 2006.

  1. Tom Allemani

    Tom Allemani Guest

    Hi Folks, My son has a 91 Honda Civic w 145000 Mi on it. Much has been
    done on it but I was wondering if the book of common problems has a list for
    this car. Or is that book just for American cars. I don't have the book but
    mabey one of you have some info as to where I can find a list like that. He
    lives in Northern CA. I live in MN. It has had engine top end work done, cv
    joints, clutch, Water pump, Timing belt, Ect. Kind of wondering what ot
    expect next. I maintain my owen vechicles but he is not so inclined. Anyway
    any info would be appericated, Tom BTW that is a good car- thinking
    of one myself with the price of gas the way it is going.
    Tom Allemani, Feb 28, 2006
  2. Tom Allemani

    Elle Guest

    www.tegger.com/hondafaq lists many problems common to 1990s
    Hondas, most certainly including the 1991 Civic.

    I think the most notorious ones--unique to c. 1990 Honda
    autos and resulting in a no-start condition--are failures of
    the main relay, ignition switch, distributor's igniter, and
    ignition coil.

    www.autozone.com has a free online manual for this Civic.
    Also, http://www.honda.co.uk/car/owner/workshop.html , has
    the factory service manuals for the Concerto and CRX, which
    are very similar to the Civic.
    Elle, Feb 28, 2006
  3. Tom Allemani

    Tom Allemani Guest

    Thanks for the information, His Honda wouldn't start 2 days ago intill a
    friend of his had the same problem and removed the dist cap and dried it
    out. The same worked for his car too. Guess with the rain they had mabey a
    lot of ppl might have had that problem with older cars. Hope that is the end
    of it. The little rascals are rather expensive to get fixed there in San
    Francisco. Thanks again for the references, Tom
    Tom Allemani, Mar 1, 2006
  4. Tom Allemani

    Elle Guest

    Hi Tom, one more tip for your reference: I am one frugal
    person, but I learned the hard way to make sure all
    distributor parts and ignition wires are only genuine Honda
    (also known as "OEM") or, for the spark plugs, only those
    the owner's manual recommends. Costs a little more sometimes
    but reliability and longevity are much better.

    People here are very good with the common non-start
    problems. Maybe tell your son about this newsgroup.

    I agree about the rain and older cars that haven't
    necessarily adhered to the maintenance schedule. I now have
    my 91 Civic on a five-year interval for replacing the
    distributor cap. I usually end up taking it off, cleaning it
    out, and inspecting it once every two years.
    Elle, Mar 1, 2006
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