Discussion in 'Accord' started by jules, Sep 1, 2006.

  1. jules

    jules Guest

    15mph CO2%14.40 O2% .21 HC MAX=116 AVE=31 MEAS=97 CO% MAX=.74
    AVE=.10 MEAS=.34 NO MAX=791 AVE=237 MEAS=1192

    25mph CO2%14.48 O2% .13 HC MAX=91 AVE=20 MEAS=47 CO% MAX=.62
    AVE=.09 MEAS=.39 NO MAX=730 AVE=199 MEAS=1025

    jules, Sep 1, 2006
  2. jules

    nm5k Guest

    Those are still a tad confusing to read.. But generally flunking
    the NOX test means you need to look at the EGR system/valve.
    High NOX usually means high combustion temps. The EGR
    cools combustion temps, and if it isn't working, flunking NOX
    can be one result. If the EGR is ok, see if you are running extra
    lean for some reason. Carbon buildup, dirty injectors, etc..
    Your EGR valve is probably clogged up with carbon crud.
    I'm fixin to have to go through the test myself this month.
    I just bought the car, and the papers showed it passed last
    year, but who knows.. I've been going over it trying to get it
    running as well as possible. I see a few minor problems on
    mine. My idle sometimes fluctuates around in park/neutral.
    Not wildly, but enough to be irritating.. IE: it might start at the
    usual 750 or so, but start to range from 750 to 1000, up down,
    over and over. And when it does this, the vac relay in the vac
    box is turning off/on, and causing the idle controller to go back/
    forth. But in drive, perfectly stable... Another problem... My
    a/c idle up is not working. And I get about 7-8 volts at the
    connector to the vac solenoid no matter if the a/c is on or off. :(
    But this 7-8 volts doesn't seem to engage the vac relay. Makes
    me think it should be 12 volts.. The emission crap on a 89 accord
    is kinda weird.. I'm more used to a puter driven/EFI setup with
    error codes, etc.. This thing has a puter of sorts, but doesn't
    really do a whole lot except control the emissions stuff. Being it
    has a feedback system, I assume it must have some control,
    but not sure how. I need a better manual... Haynes is useless,
    and the "honda" manual I got off the web is some better, but
    still quite lacking. IE: one manual says check for "voltage" to
    the a/c idle controller. But doesn't say how many volts I should
    see...:( I assume 12 v usually, but you never know being the
    "black box" is supplying this voltage. I had a haynes manual for
    a 92 camry, and it was fairly good for emissions checking.
    But the older manual for the 84-89 accords is nearly useless.
    Many say the 89 accord has no real computer per say, but it must
    have some functions for feedback, being it has an O2 sensor, and
    a feedback solenoid. Like I say, I need a "real" manual... I hate
    to guess at things. I always say, diagnose the problem. Don't
    guess and buy a load of parts without verifying they are actually
    bad. I still need to check/clean the EGR on mine.. I've already cleaned
    the carb up, new plugs, PCV , etc.. Been looking for vac leaks..
    Don't see any so far.. I've got till the end of the month, and get
    two tests per "emission test" . IE: I can fail once, and retest
    once free. After that, I have to pay again.. I'll probably take it
    in fairly soon, so if it bombs, I'll have a bit more time before the
    sticker goes out.
    nm5k, Sep 2, 2006
  3. jules

    NomoreRGS Guest

    Both of you guys might want to look for a good Honda or Accord forum.
    I belong to Acurazine, for Acura's, and have found tons of useful info
    there. It may help you same time, money and grief as your problems
    are probably not unique and maybe more common than you think.

    I found some good stuff for my '91 accord using google in the past but
    it required a lot of filtering and time. I ended up at a Honda forum,
    I think #1 from below, and found other useful and interesting info
    there. There are also a lot of knowledgeable people willing to help
    others with problems. So you may want to post their too.

    I did a search on Acurazine for Accord forums since it's a large and
    active site and found "Anyone Know of a Good Accord Forum?". Their
    answers need to be made into links as they don't allow links to
    "competing forums". Their reply's:

    1) Go to v6 performance dot net (someone's reply to it: I couldn't
    agree more, been a member there for 3 years now, great site)

    2) driveaccord dot net is chock full of info...

    3) Accordinglydone dot com has some good info but I haven't been there
    in a while.

    P.S. You may have to join to use the search function and to post but
    can probably browse through it without joining. That is how Acurazine

    Good luck.
    NomoreRGS, Sep 2, 2006
  4. jules

    jules Guest

    mitchell manuals work good they go step by step on diagnostics!
    jules, Sep 2, 2006
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