92 Accord Idle Speed Question

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Face, Jan 1, 2004.

  1. Face

    Face Guest

    Does anyone know if the idle speed is adjustable or if it's controlled
    by the computer?

    I'm getting some fluctuation that I need to get fixed.

    Face, Jan 1, 2004
  2. Face

    Randolph Guest

    It is adjustable AND controlled by the computer. There is an idle
    control screw somewhere on the throttle body.

    If you have fluctuating idle, you most likely have a vacuum leak
    somewhere, so try to find this before you adjust anything. Fill up a
    squirt bottle with water (others recommend using carb cleaner) and spray
    a fine mist around the various parts of the intake system. When you get
    a drop in idle speed, you have found the leak.

    If this does not work, start pinching the various vacuum hoses until you
    see a drop in RPM. If you do find a hose that allows you to drop the
    RPM, follow it to look for leaks or faulty valves etc.

    Another thread dealt with the same issue on a CRX. The original poster
    in that thread found that his fast idle valve was leaking. It is a
    thermo-wax valve that allows extra air in while the coolant is cold. His
    was leaking air all the time.

    If you do need to adjust anything, first get a shop manual as the
    process is not completely straight forward. The best manual is the one
    from http://www.helminc.com, but if this is the only work you are going
    to do on the car the Haynes manual would probably suffice.

    There is a stop screw on the throttle body (close to where the gas wire
    is) that looks like the idle speed adjustment on carburetors. Do not
    touch this screw, as it is factory set and is not used to regulate the
    Randolph, Jan 1, 2004
  3. Face

    Face Guest

    Thanks for the info. I'll try what you suggest below.

    To be more specific, here is a little more detail on what is happening.
    When the choke is on everything is fine. When the car has warmed up the
    idle drops to 700 rpm and the car is idling rough. After a minute or so
    something happens and the idle increases to 750 or 800 and the engine
    runs very smooth. I'll start driving again and have to stop at another
    light and the same thing happens again. In fact i was getting off the
    freeway yesterday and the same thing happened when I got to the bottom
    of the off ramp. The idle did correct itself a little more quickly this
    time though. The car vibrates more than usual when in reverse which I
    believe is because the front engine mount needs replaced.

    Other than this the car runs great for 139k miles.

    Face, Jan 2, 2004
  4. Face

    Face Guest

    Thanks for the scan. I'll download it and take a look at it.


    Face, Jan 2, 2004
  5. Face

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    Was ther dist. housing replaced per Honda's extended warrenty? Is
    there evidence of rusty junk under the dist cap? (dist bearing going
    bad) Do the spark plugs have over 50,000 miles on them? bob
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Jan 3, 2004
  6. Face

    Face Guest

    The distributor was replace a while back but I had to pay for it. I
    wonder if they owe me money for that work.

    The plugs are replace every 30k. I take the car in for all scheduled

    Face, Jan 3, 2004
  7. Face

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    I have had this same thing happen to my car. (92 accord LX 5 sp.) It
    seemed to go away on its own after a few days. C.P.U. hiccup? Bad Gas?
    I don't know for sure. bob
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Jan 3, 2004
  8. Face

    Face Guest

    The battery went out on me, it was 6 years old so I thought maybe that
    was causing it. I replaced it a month ago but I'm still having the

    Face, Jan 4, 2004
  9. Face

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    Might take a look in the air intake stuff. There are some passages and
    linkages between the air filter intake and the injectors that may be
    gummy or dirty.
    Also, my mechanic drilled out the four plugs on the top of the E.G.R.
    system and cleaned out the passages. He taped the holes and put short
    bolts back in. Took him about half an hour. Might make a difference.
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Jan 4, 2004
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