92 Accord leaking coolant, but reserve tank full

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Kev, Aug 10, 2003.

  1. Kev

    Kev Guest

    strange thing is that the reserve tank is full even though I saw at
    least half a litre leak from under the engine bay kinda on the right

    Saw some spattering around near the thermostat housing near the engine
    block, but was too dark to locate the exact leak. I basically, filled
    the radiator top with about 2 litres of distilled water, and drove it
    about 10km home without the temperature gauge going above normal
    operating levels.

    So what could be happening here? Reserve tank is still full, so it
    must be leaking from the engine block?

    If anyone's seen this before, please let me know. GEeeez, I wonder
    what I'm gonna be in for....

    Thanks in advance,

    NB I've also notice a burning smell when I'm in the car and the car's
    been stopped a while at the lights, same smell as really hot brake
    pads, I wonder if it could be something else under the bonnet.

    Also, the ground connection from the -ve terminal of my battery has
    been eaten away by the battery corrosion... how bad is it to drive
    without a ground to the body of the car?
    Kev, Aug 10, 2003
  2. well, if the reserve tank's hose is plugged, that could do it. but if your
    temp gauge was going above normal, with only 2 litres of water, then it
    sounds like there might be real problem, perhaps the water pump? perhaps
    there is a blockage in one of the lines, or a large air bubble.
    You should try and locate the exact source of the leak and do a full flush
    refill, making sure to check the hoses and radiator for any signs of
    buildup, damage, wear, etc.
    Peter Doherty, Aug 10, 2003
  3. Kev

    Sean Dinh Guest

    What do you mean by the reservoir is full? Is it filled up to the full
    mark, or is it filled up to the cap?

    No ground cable = no power = taking the bus.
    Sean Dinh, Aug 10, 2003
  4. My guess was going to be water pump if it isn't obviously coming from
    the radiator or a hose. If it is the pump, it is about to totally
    self destruct and it will take the timing belt with it. This isn't
    something to ignore. If your mechanic is a mile away, you might risk
    driving to him. Otherwise a tow is probably a good investment. The
    mechanic will install a new timing belt at the same time. Make sure
    he uses genuine Honda belt and pump. If the original belt was
    replaced on schedule and the pump was not replaced at the same time,
    or replaced with an aftermarket part, this is your penalty. Using
    non-Honda coolant (especially Prestone) may have contributed to the

    If you are interested in doing this yourself, you should be aware that
    this (timing belt) is the hardest maintenance job on your car. Not
    recommended unless you are pretty experienced in auto repair.
    Gordon McGrew, Aug 10, 2003
  5. You mean right side looking from the back of the car forwards? That's
    where all the hoses are so it may be just a leaking hose. If it's the
    other side that's where the water pump is and a leak there is going to cost
    more $$.

    Also check for the leak at the ends of the cross-pipe which goes from the
    thermostat housing across the back of the engine to the water pump housing
    - kinda unusual but not impossible.
    There must be *some* ground contact or nothing electrical would work...
    including the ignition. You need a new battery - leaking and corrosion
    like that is not normal - and a new connector... or cable depending on how
    bad the corrosion is.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Aug 11, 2003
  6. Kev

    Kev Guest

    Correct, I think you're right that it could be coming from somewhere
    near the thermostat housing, taking it to the dealer this Fri.
    there's a ground from the engine block heading right into the -ve
    terminal on the battery and it's come disconnected, unless I'm wrong,
    and that it's supposed to be for the secondary intake valve thingy
    next to the battery....
    THANKS EVERYONE for all your help.

    Kev, Aug 12, 2003
  7. Auxiliary block ground.

    Honda put it there for a reason, you know.
    Fix it yourself. It's just a piece of wire...
    Stephen Bigelow, Aug 12, 2003
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