92 Acura - leak near fuel tank?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jay, Nov 19, 2005.

  1. jay

    jay Guest

    I had been smelling gasoline in my garage for several days. Thought it
    was the lawn mower. This morning I saw a gasoline puddle under my 92
    Acura, just ahead of the left rear tire. Looked underneath and could
    see gasoline dripping but could not see where it is coming from. I am
    wondering what might be the cause? Would it be the tank itself? or
    tubing? Is the tubing made of metal or rubber? Or might it be the fuel
    pump? Just wondering what to look for before taking to the shop.
    jay, Nov 19, 2005
  2. It could be the tank, or in the line near the tank. I think the tubing is
    made of metal. Get the car to a reputable mechanic who specializes in
    that type of maintenance.

    I had to replace the tank and part of the lines in my '93 Accord a few
    years ago due to leaks. Winter road salt most likely contributed to the
    High Tech Misfit, Nov 19, 2005
  3. jay

    E Meyer Guest

    The older Hondas used to have the fuel filter in about that place. If it
    is the filter, the problem is probably the rubber hoses on each end of it.

    Other possibilities include the filler and overflow hoses. It could even be
    leaking as far away as the engine compartment and running along the lines to
    drip off at a low point

    Without looking, its anybody's guess. You will have to get under there and
    E Meyer, Nov 19, 2005
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