92 Honda Accord Check Engine Light

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Lilroskie07, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. Lilroskie07

    Lilroskie07 Guest

    So one night I was driving my car and as I came up to a stop light my
    car died. It took a couple times to get it started. Then it was fine.
    Then a couple days later I was driving my car then all of a sudden my
    check engine light comes on and the car just dies. That day it started
    right back up. The next day it does the same thing. It's been an
    ongoing process. Some days when I drive it the check engine light
    comes on and it will either start right back up or I have to let it sit
    for quite a while before it will fire back up.
    I took it in to have it fixed. They replaced the coil, spark plugs,
    and some valve gaskets. That was not the problem. The check engine
    light came on and was doing the same thing. So then I got a main relay
    for my car and replaced that. It ran fine for a small while then the
    check engine light came on again. So I'm pretty much clueless as far
    as what the hell is wrong with my car. If you have any ideas of what
    it could be that would be great!
    Lilroskie07, Oct 23, 2006
  2. Lilroskie07

    TeGGeR® Guest

    If you're clueless, so are the monkeys who did the work on your car.
    That Check Engine light MEANS SOMETHING.

    Go here to see how to retrieve the error code number from the Check
    Engine light:
    http://www.tegger.com/hondafaq/misc/3173_ICCR_E_14JAN03.pdf Specifically
    see page 15. The "tool" they refer to is a straightened paper clip, with
    which you jump the two terminals on the Service Check connector. The
    location of that is on page 18.

    You should also phone the garages that did the work and ask what error
    codes they observed.
    TeGGeR®, Oct 23, 2006
  3. Lilroskie07

    Lilroskie07 Guest

    Awesome...Thank you. Yeah you would think they would of found the
    problem, but $530.00 later they didn't. I'll try that code today to
    see if I can figure out what's wrong with it.
    Lilroskie07, Oct 23, 2006
  4. Lilroskie07

    Lilroskie07 Guest

    So I went out and did the code. My engine light blinked 1 time slow
    then 5 times fast. I tried to look it up on that website you gave me
    but I'm not sure how to determine what it is. Any help would be very
    much appreciated!
    Lilroskie07, Oct 23, 2006
  5. Code 15 represents a problem with the ignition output signal.

    With that said, my first guess is the igniter.
    High Tech Misfit, Oct 23, 2006
  6. Lilroskie07

    TeGGeR® Guest

    I'd concur. Good first place to check, anyway.
    TeGGeR®, Oct 23, 2006
  7. Lilroskie07

    TeGGeR® Guest

    By the way, to the OP: Does your tach needle drop to zero at the exact
    instant the car begins to die?
    TeGGeR®, Oct 23, 2006
  8. Lilroskie07

    Lilroskie07 Guest

    I haven't really payed attention to that....the only thing I've noticed
    is that it idles pretty close to zero.
    Lilroskie07, Oct 24, 2006
  9. Lilroskie07

    TeGGeR® Guest

    It can't.The tach only reads down to 500. And if it idles that low, then
    you have other problems, possibly lots of them, and possibly the reason
    you're stalling.

    Watch that tach closely next time you have trouble.
    TeGGeR®, Oct 24, 2006
  10. Lilroskie07

    Lilroskie07 Guest

    So I got a new distributor and put that in and so far so good. Let's
    just keep the fingers crossed that the distributor was the problem.
    Thanks so much for all of your guy's help!
    Lilroskie07, Oct 27, 2006
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