92 Honda Accord d4 light on tran in 2 gear!

Discussion in 'Accord' started by sancheuz, Dec 5, 2003.

  1. sancheuz

    sancheuz Guest

    Hello guys.
    I have a 92 Honda Accord. A couple weeks ago i started having a problem in which my car would all of the sudden get stuck on 2nd gear. No matter even if I floored the pedal. This was not always though. It happened randomly sometimes when I would start the car, other times in the middle of my trip, and would the problem would last from 1 minute to 15 minutes or more. I soon noticed that when this happend, my d4 light would flash once, then get really bright, and remain on no matter what gear i would change to. So even if I put it in reverse, the d4 light would be on. While this happened my car gets stuck in 2nd gear. Anyways, i was told to check the tcm for any burnt transistors and i did but found none. However, when i checked the Ecm, it did have a burnt transistor. Do you guys think this could be the problem?
    sancheuz, Dec 5, 2003
  2. sancheuz

    Yeah_right Guest

    This is a common problem with cars this age. I replaced the whole
    transmission before it was finally figured out what the problem was.

    Take it to a professional transmission shop....not one of the mom and pop
    ones and have them check the wiring harness between the tcm and the
    transmission. It's very likely there is a short on at least one of the
    wires between the two.

    After I'd spent about $1300 on a used transmission and a used TCM and the
    asociative transmission modules, the real fix turned out to be less than

    Good Luck.
    in which my car would all of the sudden get stuck on 2nd gear. No matter
    even if I floored the pedal. This was not always though. It happened
    randomly sometimes when I would start the car, other times in the middle of
    my trip, and would the problem would last from 1 minute to 15 minutes or
    more. I soon noticed that when this happend, my d4 light would flash once,
    then get really bright, and remain on no matter what gear i would change to.
    So even if I put it in reverse, the d4 light would be on. While this
    happened my car gets stuck in 2nd gear. Anyways, i was told to check the
    tcm for any burnt transistors and i did but found none. However, when i
    checked the Ecm, it did have a burnt transistor. Do you guys think this
    could be the problem?
    Yeah_right, Dec 6, 2003
  3. sancheuz

    sancheuz Guest

    Do any of you know how I can check if my tcm to transmission wiring has a short myself?
    sancheuz, Dec 6, 2003
  4. The TSB suggest locating and replaing a bad capacitor. If need more info,
    will try locating TSB (tech srvc blltn). Did you mean `how can I check for
    an open (cut) between ECM and TCU (trans cntrl unit)?`

    Does the problem goes away when ignition turn off then on?
    Indian Summer, Dec 7, 2003
  5. sancheuz

    sancheuz Guest

    Yeah, but my bad transistor is not on the tcm, tramission control unit, but on the ecm, which is the car computer i believe. Do you think this could be responsible for the car on 2nd gear issue. I think it might no be because the problem is temporary, and sometimes click on and off. So might be right in saying that it might be a short between the cables from the tcm to the actual transmission. But my questions is if there is anyway that i could check the cable for shorts myself?
    sancheuz, Dec 7, 2003
  6. sancheuz

    easleydan Guest

    I have a very similar problem. 13 months ago the D4
    light flashed, then the engine raced and it didn't want
    to get out of 1st gear. 2 weeks ago D4 light flashed.
    Turning the engine off then restarting seemed to fix it.
    Now I can drive for about 15 minutes before the engine
    starts racing and the car won't shift up. No D4 light
    flashing this time. Turning the engine off then on fixes
    it for 10-15 minutes. From other internet posts, I
    suspect: 1) Transmission Control Module 2) Transmission
    speed sensor (but the speedometer seems accurate, it is
    not erratic) 3) Selenoid in the shift handle 4) Wiring harness to the TCM. Does the fact that turning the engine
    off then on point to the TCM as opposed to the others?

    easleydan, Dec 18, 2003
  7. "easleydan"
    My opinion most likely points to the circuitry in the TCU. Also might,
    emphasize might, be the main relay. Under test, I'd noticed having a bad
    relay will cause a shifting symptom.
    Indian Summer, Dec 19, 2003
  8. sancheuz

    Yeah_right Guest

    I've had this problem. There is most likely a short in the wiring harness
    between the TCU and the transmission. Get that checked first before you
    waste the money on a new TCU or transmission.
    TCM. Does the fact that turning the engine
    Yeah_right, Dec 22, 2003
  9. sancheuz

    easleydan Guest

    I bought a used TCM and it still has the identical problems. Either both TCMs failed identically, or it is another problem. Where do I find the "main relay", what part do I search for at auto parts sites, and how do I change it? Thanks a bunch!
    easleydan, Dec 24, 2003
  10. sancheuz

    easleydan Guest

    I bought a used TCM and it still has the identical problems. Either both TCMs failed identically, or it is another problem. Where do I find the "main relay", what part do I search for at auto parts sites, and how do I change it? Thanks a bunch!
    easleydan, Dec 24, 2003
  11. sancheuz

    easleydan Guest

    Who can check a wiring harness? I hesitate to go back to the dealer, since the dealer charged me $800 to fix the identical problem 13 months ago. I'm also puzzled that it could be the wiring harness since turning the engine off then on seems to fix the problem for a few minutes.

    easleydan, Dec 24, 2003
  12. Who can wrap at < 80 columns? The world wants to know.
    Chris Aseltine, Dec 25, 2003
  13. sancheuz

    SASCHOCH Guest

    1) As you are sitting in driving position, it is behind the dash above your
    left knee.
    2) 92 honda main relay.
    3) Small hands are a big help.
    SASCHOCH, Dec 29, 2003
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