'93 Accord - flashing "D" transmission indicator.... sometimes??

Discussion in 'Accord' started by KWW, May 25, 2006.

  1. KWW

    KWW Guest

    Last night, I drove my daughter's '93 Accord LX Automatic about 40 miles on
    the highway and in traffic. It ran fine. I stopped at a store, restarted
    the car after it had sat for a few minutes, and it was sluggish... looked
    down and the "D" indicator was flashing (indicating a problem). Pulled out
    on the street and drove it about 1.5 miles to the next light. It seemed to
    slip the torque converter a lot and was sluggish starting up (like it was
    stuck in a higher gear). (I had just checked the fluid level a week before,
    and it was fairly new fluid too.)

    Stopped at the light, put it in Neutral, stopped the motor. Restarted it 20
    seconds later when the light turned green and it was fine. No flashing "D".
    No sluggishness.

    Any ideas? The problem almost seems electrical... but the Hayes manual I
    have for the car doesn't say much about the tranny. Why did it go away once
    I stopped and turned things off?

    KWW, May 25, 2006
  2. ------------------------------------------

    What's her mileage? It might be 'electrical' as you said, unless
    somebody put non-Honda fluid in it. If so, drain-n-fill it once, drive
    it a while and do it again with Honda Z1. Read through this TSB for
    interest sake: http://www.tegger.com/hondafaq/tsb/accord/x97-025e.pdf

    'Curly Q. Links', May 25, 2006
  3. KWW

    KWW Guest

    When we first got the car I changed the fluids to genuine Honda fluids just
    to be sure. We have driven it for a couple of years. I had just changed the
    fluid yet again (also with Genuine fluid).

    I shall look to see if the car has a connector - and if so hook up a meter
    to see if there are any error codes.

    KWW, May 26, 2006
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