93 Civic brake light problem

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Moh, Feb 13, 2006.

  1. Moh

    Moh Guest

    93 Civic 4 door driver side brake light is not working. I checked the bulb
    and swapped it with the one on the passenger side, the bulb is fine. This is
    a double filament bulb. One is the tail light (1) and the other is for the

    During day time , or when the headlight is OFF : Apply the brake => the tail
    light (filament) lit up, which is incorrect and also not bright enough.

    Night time, or when the headlight is ON : Apply the brake => the tail light
    (1) which was ON , goes OFF. Result => no tail or brake light.

    Wiring was not touch and looks fine. Where is the short and what can be the
    cause ? Can someone point out the possible cause ?
    Moh, Feb 13, 2006
  2. Moh

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Check ALL the sockets and bulbs for corrosion.
    TeGGeR®, Feb 13, 2006
  3. Moh

    Moh Guest

    Will do. Thx. TeGGeR

    Moh, Feb 13, 2006
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