93 Honda Accord Ex , 2 door

Discussion in 'Accord' started by garcia, Jun 10, 2005.

  1. garcia

    garcia Guest

    I recently had my struts and shocks replaced and I noticed that the car is
    sitting much higher than it use to, about 2 inches higher and I can also
    can see a bar on top of both back tires that were not noticeable before.
    Is it normal for this bar to be showing and should the car be sitting
    higher than before? I have looked at other cars same make and model and I
    haven't came across one with the gap between the tire and the body. Does
    anyone what the problem can be?
    garcia, Jun 10, 2005
  2. garcia

    jim beam Guest

    the lower control arms are upside down.
    jim beam, Jun 10, 2005
  3. garcia

    garcia Guest

    When changing the shocks would they (Les Schwab)have had a reason to
    remove or mess with the lower control arm?
    garcia, Jun 10, 2005
  4. garcia

    jim beam Guest

    because makes it a lot easier to get the shock out.
    jim beam, Jun 10, 2005
  5. garcia

    garcia Guest

    when I took it back they said that it is common on hondas to sit so high,
    is there a way that I would be able to check it myself?
    garcia, Jun 10, 2005
  6. garcia

    garcia Guest

    Could there be any damage caused by the lower control bar being put on
    upside down?
    garcia, Jun 10, 2005
  7. garcia

    SoCalMike Guest

    id probably take the car in to a dealer or independant HONDA mechanic,
    slip em a $20 and have em take a look. if its wrong, have the original
    shop fix it, and give you your $20 back. they owe you that much.
    SoCalMike, Jun 10, 2005
  8. garcia

    jim beam Guest

    sure, park it next to another civic of the same generation. the lower
    arms have a "bend" in them. can't recall which way it goes, but if you
    get your head down behind the two, you should see the difference.
    jim beam, Jun 10, 2005
  9. garcia

    jim beam Guest

    not because of the positioning, but if they have that bit wrong, they
    probably have the bushings tightened wrong as well. the suspension
    needs to be assembled then tightened /after/ the vehicle has weight back
    on the wheels again. if they're tightened before, the rubbers sit in a
    strained position and quickly fatigue apart. then the suspension gets
    real sloppy.
    jim beam, Jun 10, 2005
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