'93 Honda Accord with some problems

Discussion in 'Accord' started by les2w, Jun 7, 2005.

  1. les2w

    les2w Guest

    Last year at this time I had to have 3 mounts replaced. I am a girl in
    college and am worried abotu cost as well as what is wrong with my car. It
    gets to about 95 degrees here and when trying nto start my car it
    struggles. When I pull up to a stop light my car will vibrate and shake
    and just recently it has started to get noisey. The other day I noticed
    something is leaking from my engine... I believe it is oil... Any ideas or
    les2w, Jun 7, 2005
  2. les2w

    Professor Guest

    Sounds like you have a number of problems that could be caused by many
    things. Your time may be best spent researching a trustworthy garage in
    your area to take a look at it...

    Professor, Jun 7, 2005
  3. les2w

    motsco_ _ Guest


    If it runs OK when cool, but won't restart when you get back into it
    (like at the convenience store), it's 99% this problem:

    Until you get it fixed, if it doesn't start, leave the key ON, then
    smack the dash on the left side of the steering wheel, which will make
    the relay work for a few seconds (fuel pump will run) then you can start
    it and the vibration of the engine will keep it working.

    Find a friend to resolder it for you. It's a cheap fix and will probably
    last a long time.

    motsco_ _, Jun 7, 2005
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