93' honda civic, 4dr, need more power!

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Pheno, Jul 20, 2006.

  1. Pheno

    Pheno Guest

    Im looking all over for help on this. I just bought a 93 civic 4 dr, and it
    is slower than hell. I did a tuneup, wires, plugs, oil, lube ect.... She
    wants to go but it isnt working. Ive put a new muffler, dist cap on as well.
    I cant find any problems that could cause it.

    I have tried to put on an open air intake and that seems to make it worse.
    Ive been hearing they are a pain in the butt to get more power out of it but
    I know there is a way, if anyone has any suggestions im open and could
    really use the help...
    Pheno, Jul 20, 2006
  2. Pheno

    Elle Guest

    Can you clarify what you mean by wanting "more power"? Are
    you trying to boost it from its out the factory doors,
    design power? Or are you saying that its not even getting
    the design power?

    Also, how many miles are on this car?

    Are you using OEM parts? Are you using the plug brand
    recommended in the owner's manual (probably NGK)?
    Elle, Jul 20, 2006
  3. Pheno

    Pheno Guest

    welp, it has 67k miles on it.
    Pretty much i guess what im trying to do is just get more overall pickup,
    but not to the point of running on a track. It seems like its getting what
    it was designed for, maybe a little less. But it cant even get out of its
    own way. So anything i would need to do im guessing would have to be
    aftermarket. And it had ngk plugs in it, they were still clean, but i just
    got bosch 2+ today and it seems about the same.
    Im comming from a 93 plymouth laser to this car, so maybe im just expecting
    too much out of it im not sure.
    Pheno, Jul 21, 2006
  4. Pheno

    Elle Guest

    Stick with the NGK plugs. You can google this newsgroup and
    rec.autos.makers.honda for a lot of derision poured upon
    Bosch plugs.

    OEM parts for the ignition wires and distributor cap and
    rotor are important for optimum performance, based on my own
    experience and others' here.

    http://www.tegger.com/hondafaq/index.html is a good
    resource. It has a section on running problems that talks
    about the risks of not using OEM for the ignition parts,
    among others.

    Doing everything listed at
    http://home.earthlink.net/~honda.lioness/id11.html is a good
    idea, too.
    Elle, Jul 22, 2006
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