93 Honda Prelude Si Rough Idle

Discussion in 'Prelude' started by taanzaa, Aug 14, 2004.

  1. taanzaa

    taanzaa Guest


    I have a 93 Prelude Si 2.3l engine with some 233,000 mi on it...as of two
    weeks ago I got a check engine light that came on and the codes were for
    an O2 sensor and a KS sensor. I had the O2 sensor changed (after market
    OE) and I haven't had a check engine light come on again but, the car
    still runs really rough. I had the plugs changed but, haven't done a cap,
    rotor, wire change yet. I'm also confused as to what a knock sensor
    actually does. Any advice would be much appreciated.
    taanzaa, Aug 14, 2004
  2. taanzaa

    Mach5 Guest

    knock sensor detecs early detonation in your engine. could happen if
    your ignition timing is off, or you are running incorrect type of gas.
    detonation sounds like marbles rattling in a can. it is very bad for an
    engine. usually later model hondas have KS installed and automatically
    retard the timing if it is detected.
    Mach5, Sep 1, 2004
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