93 prelude 2.0 si automatic overreving in 4th

Discussion in 'Prelude' started by HanslH, Apr 22, 2004.

  1. HanslH

    HanslH Guest

    Last week after some spicy driving, the engine would suddenly go into
    high revs with no traction when going into 4th gear. Also the reverse
    gear seemed low on traction.
    After some driving in d3 (which was all normal) it returned to normal
    behaviour (300 km all=normal) but now it seems that in 4th gear it has
    problems with acceleration, it goes into high revs and then gradually
    catches up with traction. Until 4th it seems okay apart from a short
    high revving from 2 to 3.
    What can be wrong. (Please don't tell me the grearbox is near death).

    HanslH, Apr 22, 2004
  2. HanslH

    R Thompson Guest

    The fourth gear clutch is probably about shot, sounds like you may be due
    for an overhaul.
    R Thompson, Apr 22, 2004
  3. HanslH

    HanslH Guest

    It was shot all right.
    Euro 300 for second hand replacement box
    Euro 423 for build in

    But it's on the road again!
    HanslH, May 29, 2004
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