94-97 how to replace front wheel stud? DIY?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by g20zoom, Aug 14, 2007.

  1. g20zoom

    Dr0pZ0n3 Guest

    yeah, a 3 leg (crow's foot) puller is usually for anything riding on a
    central shaft... they work by putting pressure against the backside of
    the object you're trying to remove, which is done by applying pressure
    to the front side of the object it's riding on... simply put, there is
    no center "shaft" in a hub bearing.... so no, it wouldn't work w/o
    modifying the design of the pulling... which completely defeats the
    purpose of using it.
    Dr0pZ0n3, Aug 21, 2007
  2. g20zoom

    Dr0pZ0n3 Guest

    I apologize for saying that incorrectly, I should have mentioned that
    the pressure spec is 100-115 lb/ft^2 (the amount of pressure applied to
    release the bolt)

    Jim Beam, before posting an arguement, whether you're right or not,
    read your own posted links... b/c you're actually right about the
    torque versus pressure thing, but wrong about the factor of

    taken from wiki article "torque":
    Since energy can be thought of as the result of "force times distance",
    energy is always a scalar whereas torque is "force cross distance" and
    so is a (pseudo) vector-valued quantity.

    Force cross distance refers to a 1:1 relationship, hence, no
    multiplication or division, no adding or subtracting.
    Dr0pZ0n3, Aug 22, 2007
  3. g20zoom

    Graham W Guest

    You are still adrift here.

    100 ft.lbs of torque (turning moment) may be acheived by pulling
    1 lbforce on a 100ft bar or 100lbforce on a 1ft bar or 25lbforce
    on a 4ft bar or ANY combination which results in a PRODUCT
    of 100ft.lbs..

    Graham W, Aug 22, 2007
  4. g20zoom

    Dr0pZ0n3 Guest

    The "confusion" that I experienced when I misquoted was that I
    transposed the theories of "torque manipulation" and "force exertion"
    since torque can be displayed as an application of pressure, in terms
    that pressure can be translated as force...

    Either way, this thread has reached it's pinnacle of usefulness, and
    we're way off topic...
    Dr0pZ0n3, Aug 22, 2007
  5. g20zoom

    Dr0pZ0n3 Guest

    By the way, simple equation for a math scholar to check out algorithmic
    programs for accuracy: [(e^(pi)) - (pi)]

    The answer should always come to 20... unless your Floating Point
    Handlers have rounding errors. This is standard to test your system for
    data compliance.

    (.ti evol attog ..romuH .979990999.91 ot emoc dluohs rewsna eht ...ekoj
    a si siht ,yaw eht yB)

    And in case you're wondering, about 10 seconds.
    Dr0pZ0n3, Aug 22, 2007
  6. g20zoom

    jim beam Guest

    no dude. you're confusing force with pressure. when you wrench, that's
    /force/. torque is force times leverage. pressure is force /divided/
    by sq ft. at some time or other, we've all had teachers we've
    subsequently learned to have gotten stuff wrong - you had one of those.
    jim beam, Aug 22, 2007
  7. g20zoom

    Dr0pZ0n3 Guest

    Look... you're now argueing with yourself... that little blurb came
    right from the article that you pointed me to... on wiki... meaning
    that you didn't even know what you were posting...

    "Force cross Distance" is the proper terminology for torque... meaning
    that the relationship is 1:1.

    As far as what you're saying, I understand that, and I already
    corrected myself for... The place that confused me isn't on you to
    decide, I'm quite well aware of what I mistook.
    Dr0pZ0n3, Aug 23, 2007
  8. g20zoom

    jim beam Guest

    do you always insult people trying to help you?

    it's not "Force cross Distance" it's 'force x distance' or 'force times
    distance' or 'force multiplied by distance' or even 'force.distance'.
    it's a math thing. and there's no way that means "1:1".

    also, life would be easier if you used a proper news reader to access
    this group - the web forum portal you're using is not threading properly.
    jim beam, Aug 23, 2007
  9. g20zoom

    Dr0pZ0n3 Guest

    dude... that "force cross distance thing" CAME FROM THE ARTICLE THAT YOU
    POSTED... could you be more ignorant? Since it came from the article
    that YOU POSTED WHILE TRYING TO PROVE ME WRONG, that must mean that you
    also were wrong, since you were quoting an unknown or unchecked source..
    *and yes, when you post a website for research purposes, you are, in
    fact, quoting it.* And now, after all, to add to the stupidity, you're
    debating with material taken IN CONTEXT from your source... you may be
    smart enough to catch the follies of those who don't stay up late at
    night planning every single word they type, like you, but you're still
    not intelligent enough to realize that A) your kind of help isn't
    welcome, and B) no matter how much you want to believe that you're
    always correct about everything, you're not.

    Did I hit pretty close to home there? GOOD. Stop tearing this thread to
    shit b/c you feel like making yourself look smarter than you actually
    are... ffs, I mis-posted a single damn word, and you're jumping all
    over it like someone is going to die as a result of my inherent
    penchance (sp) for mistyping small bits of info when I've just woken
    after long nights of not sleeping BECAUSE I HAVE A LIFE, outside of
    calling the most sophomoric mistakes of those attempting to save
    someone some money becuase for ****'s sake, we all know that noone in
    this country needs any more of that... <./sarcasm -off>

    as far as using a better portal to access the thread... lmao.. I'm
    using the site the damn thing is hosted on... it can't get much better
    than that.

    and as far as insulting the ppl trying to help me, YES I insult those
    who give unsolicited help and then proceed to condescend the one who
    didn't ask for the help in the first place....

    so in closing, I"d just like to ask one thing... ARE YOU DONE YET?
    Dr0pZ0n3, Aug 23, 2007
  10. g20zoom

    jim beam Guest

    newsgroups are not web portals. you email client almost certainly
    contains usenet reader capability - and it will support threading.
    no, "cross product" means "multiply". "force cross distance" means
    "multiply" but as a vector - which is not of interest in this case.

    but if you don't want to know, you don't want to know.
    jim beam, Aug 23, 2007
  11. g20zoom

    Joe LaVigne Guest

    "Dude"... The thing ain't hosted on any site. This is a usenet
    newsgroup, not a web forum. Just because google happens to also provide
    access to it doesn't mean that they host it.

    Joe - Registered Linux User #449481

    "Hate is baggage, life is too short to go around pissed off all the
    - Danny, American History X
    Joe LaVigne, Aug 23, 2007
  12. g20zoom

    Dr0pZ0n3 Guest

    Actually, it IS hosted on a web server... it's called " www.automotive
    forums.com " which is exactly where I get access to it.

    Automotive Forums > Unmoderated Usenet Topics > Honda would be the
    path FROM the server that this is HOSTED ON to get to this particular
    area... ;)
    Dr0pZ0n3, Aug 23, 2007
  13. g20zoom

    jim beam Guest

    check out:

    your access is via a portal - usenet is not hosted on a web server.

    your portal is not threading correctly. if you use a proper news
    reader, you will have a much better experience.
    jim beam, Aug 24, 2007
  14. g20zoom

    Joe LaVigne Guest

    No, fuckhead, this is a usenet group. It is not hosted on any
    particular server, and it is not accessible from the Web.

    The forum that you are a member of has installed a web portal to the
    news group. They do not host the group, they mirror it.

    I think you just lost your argument. It is pretty clear that you are
    intent on arguing points that you have absolutely no clue about. Have a
    nice life, dipshit...

    Joe - Registered Linux User #449481

    "Hate is baggage, life is too short to go around pissed off all the
    - Danny, American History X
    Joe LaVigne, Aug 24, 2007
  15. g20zoom

    Dr0pZ0n3 Guest

    I'm quite aware of what usenet is, and how it's accessed... thank you.

    This "mirror" that you speak of, well, it's an image... just like any
    mirror.. it holds an "identical image of what is being mirrored"...

    Now.. that would mean that although UseNet is not in fact hosted on a
    webserver, this particular "mirror" is... so I'm still correct in that

    Still, to end this petty bullshit, no matter who may have been wrong or
    right, the point is that this thread has gotten so far off topic that
    it's utterly worthless to continue posting.

    I mentioned this earler, to no avail, in an attempt to end the
    argument, which should never have started.. after finding that I
    mis-quoted myself, I corrected myself, only to find that certain people
    in this world are entirely unwilling to let something go as a mistake,
    and must take time out of their lives to attempt to belittle others in
    a futile effort to make themselves seem smarter.

    It never works.

    End it.. it's pointless, just get over it, and get back to your damn
    Dr0pZ0n3, Aug 24, 2007
  16. g20zoom

    Tony Harding Guest

    It's always amusing to read posts by some totally oblivious poster. BTW,
    I have a torque wrench, it's calibrated in Nm - does that mean it's not

    I guess Car & Driver and Snap-On have it all wrong:



    Maybe you should drop them an email and straighten them out? I'm sure
    they'd be very grateful.
    Tony Harding, Oct 3, 2007
  17. g20zoom

    AZ Nomad Guest

    pounds per square foot?
    That's the funniest shit I've read all week.

    I guess that explains why torque wrenches are always inflatable.
    AZ Nomad, Oct 3, 2007
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