Discussion in 'Accord' started by ballinjefe22, Dec 7, 2005.

  1. ballinjefe22

    ballinjefe22 Guest

    i have a 94 accord that just likes to die and not start on me sometimes. i
    have narrowed my problem down to the main relay. and i have looked all over
    for the little thing and i cant find it. i have found a few sites, but
    none that cover my car. can someone please help me out and let me know
    where the part is and how to get it out... anything will help. thanks a
    ballinjefe22, Dec 7, 2005
  2. ballinjefe22

    Elle Guest

    If you're just replacing it, having the new one in hand so
    you know for what shape to look can be very helpful. It
    should be under the left side of the dash, to the left and
    above where your left knee is when you're driving. You'll
    probably need a flashlight. You'll have to get your head and
    shoulders into the footwell section, left side. It can be

    For a drawing of its location, try the 1991-93 Accord manual
    at http://www.honda.co.uk/car/owner/workshop.html . Click on
    the Fuel sections, then the component location section. It's
    on the third page of drawings, on the right of the page.

    Not as helpful is the drawing of it at (see part #25)
    Elle, Dec 8, 2005
  3. ballinjefe22

    Elle Guest


    Should work for a 94 Accord, too.
    Elle, Dec 8, 2005
  4. ballinjefe22

    ballinjefe22 Guest

    well i found it. i decided to get pissed and just rip out all the relays
    that i could see. it ended up bein on the right hand side of the steering
    column, wide in the open...not that hard to get to really. didnt take any
    tools or anything. thanks though. too bad it wasnt the problem...i was
    drivin it after i got it out and took the soldering gun to it. it died on
    me just a few blocks down the road. so now im thinkin its the igniter.
    guess im gonna rip the distributor apart tomorrow and get that taken care
    of, then see what happens with it. thanks again
    ballinjefe22, Dec 8, 2005
  5. It sounds like it could be the igniter or the ignition switch.
    High Tech Misfit, Dec 8, 2005
  6. ballinjefe22

    ballinjefe22 Guest

    well...does anyone know of any DIY ways to fix the igniter or would i just
    have to buy a new one? im a broke college student, so im kinda pressed
    for cash. everything on the car has been done by me, so i have no problem
    with workin on it anymore.
    ballinjefe22, Dec 8, 2005
  7. ballinjefe22

    Elle Guest

    I've never heard of an igniter being fixed, apart from the
    wires on it coming loose and just needing to be re-attached.
    Mine needed a new wire harness at some point, but I bought a
    whole new distributor housing and that took care of the
    dilapidated harness.

    Honda igniters do fail pretty regularly. A life of 8+ years
    is a good long life for an igniter.

    Buy only an OEM one. If you want some online OEM parts sites
    that sell them, just ask.

    www.tegger.com/hondafaq has some advice on checking whether
    the igniter or the coil (or something else) is the problem.

    I'm surprised the main relay was on the right of the
    steering column... sorry about the bum steer.
    Elle, Dec 8, 2005
  8. ballinjefe22

    R. P. Guest

    I would vote for the ignition switch that also had to be replaced in
    my '94 Accord about 2 years ago and exhibited similar problems before

    R. P., Dec 8, 2005
  9. ballinjefe22

    ballinjefe22 Guest

    are there any different syptoms between the ignition switch and the
    igniter? a little more info.... it tends to shut off more when im higher
    in the rpms, i dont really knwo if that means much its just somethign that
    i have realized. i still have all the power to everythign else when it
    dies out too... :-/ thanks again guys
    ballinjefe22, Dec 8, 2005
  10. ballinjefe22

    Elle Guest

    If you're still able to run the car, then it's probably not
    the igniter.

    Try this link for help separating the possible causes:

    Also, how old are your ignition wires, plugs, distributor
    cap and rotor?

    Gotta good air filter and fuel filter?
    Elle, Dec 8, 2005
  11. ballinjefe22

    ballinjefe22 Guest

    well...even when the car dies and wont start again, the fuel pump still
    turns on when i turn the key. i can hear it for the first few seconds
    when i turn the key to the ON position. ill go through and check all my
    wires and plugs, but i doubt it is bc of those, i just chnaged them all a
    couple months ago. so now im leanin towards igniter or ignition switch...
    well ill restate whats goin on and give some more details...

    the car randomly dies when im driving down the road with no warning at
    all. the check engine light and the battery and oil light all turn on,
    just like right before turning the car on. then when i stop the car and
    try to start it up, it jsut cranks. if i turn the key off then back on, i
    can hear the fuel pump prime, so its not the main relay. but then the car
    will still nto always start. i still haev power to everythign when the car
    dies... radio, lights, heater, everythgin is still on except the engine.
    then if i let the car sit for a while, like 10 minuets or so, it starts up
    again and will drive for a little bit. the length that it drives when it
    starts again seems to depend on how long i let it sit.

    thats abotu all i can think of now....i really am lost. any help is
    gettin closer to the prob. thanks guys
    ballinjefe22, Dec 8, 2005
  12. ballinjefe22

    E Meyer Guest

    that set of symptoms is part and parcel of a failing ignition switch. They
    overheat and break contact. Once it cools off it will work again for a
    while. The cycle will get shorter and shorter until it will only run for a
    few seconds at a time. It is screwed to the back of the key cylinder with
    two tiny phillips screws. The cable on in plugs in near the fuse box. Take
    it off & pop it open. I'll bet you find burned contacts. The part is about
    $30 from the dealer. You chould be able to change it yourself in about 15

    Take a look at http://www.visualimpressions.ca/switch/
    E Meyer, Dec 8, 2005
  13. ballinjefe22

    Remco Guest

    Nice -- thanks!

    For everyone here: If you backspace to AccordManual, you'll get a whole
    load of different manuals.

    For hahas, I tried this and it works too, getting a bunch of civic

    Remco, Dec 8, 2005
  14. ballinjefe22

    Graham W Guest

    Have a look at www.gcw.org.uk/rover.htm which although it is Rover,
    uses the Honda engine. Your symptom sounds like a dirty distributor
    cap on the inside or outside. Clean it up in the kitchen sink with
    washing up liquid and dry off in the airing cupboard. Refit and test.

    Graham W, Dec 8, 2005
  15. ballinjefe22

    Graham W Guest

    Sorry that URL should be http://www.gcw.org.uk/rover/igniter.htm
    Graham W, Dec 8, 2005
  16. ballinjefe22

    ballinjefe22 Guest

    well i finally got the car fixed. i decided to drop the $30 that a local
    shop wanted to diagnose the problem. it ended up bein the igniter. the
    guy at the shop told me to buy an entire new distributor bc the O-ring was
    kinda bad. but that would have ran me about 350 so i called a local
    wrecking yard and got one for $70. all is well now. thanks for the help
    ballinjefe22, Dec 16, 2005
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