94 Accord Shifter Locked and Brake Lights Out

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Maxdad, Feb 11, 2005.

  1. Maxdad

    Maxdad Guest

    Hello, my folks have a 94 Accord and the Shifter (Automatic) will not work
    unless they use the Shift Lock key beside the shifter. At the same time,
    the brake lights stopped working. I have heard a little bit about this, but
    I have no idea what it is. Is there something a DIY person can do, or is
    this serious? Thanks very much for any replies!
    Maxdad, Feb 11, 2005
  2. Maxdad

    Jafir Elkurd Guest

    Are you missing anything else? On one of my cars a horn went bad, and
    whenever I honked it, it would blow the fuse. That fuse was also for the
    brake light switch power. If all of your fuses are good.... I should think
    the brake light switch is bad. (or in the very least the little bumper that
    pushes it is broken).
    Jafir Elkurd, Feb 11, 2005
  3. Maxdad

    Randolph Guest

    I bet you $0.25 that your brake light switch (the one at the brake
    pedal) is broken. Not unusual at that age. With a broken brake light
    switch, the shift interlock will not allow you to shift out of park
    without using the key in that little slot.

    Replacement is fairly easy.
    Randolph, Feb 11, 2005
  4. Maxdad

    Sskb Guest

    Old Honda too. I occasionally have the shift lock problem. Seems to
    go away after I take the car in for its annual maintenance so I assume
    that something in the maintenance cycle 'cures' the problem. Never
    related it to any brake lights or problems with the electrical system.
    Sskb, Feb 12, 2005
  5. Maxdad

    Maxdad Guest

    I don't think anything else electrical is having a problem, so I'll bet it's
    that brake switch. That certainly sounds like it might take care of it. I
    don't think they take it anywhere to have regular service done to it,
    they're not nearly as anal about their cars as I am. Thanks everyone for
    the input!
    Maxdad, Feb 12, 2005
  6. Maxdad

    dan martin Guest

    I found on a friends car that someone had nicked the wire near the switch,
    by accident and he had the same problem, Check your brake lights.

    dan martin, Feb 16, 2005
  7. Maxdad

    Ray Guest

    had the same problem

    solution sounds wacky but your horn probably short out. I think
    everything is on the same circuit. on mine the horn, transmission lock
    did not work when the horn short out
    Ray, Feb 16, 2005
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