94 accord tilt wheel

Discussion in 'Accord' started by wwatson3, Feb 18, 2006.

  1. wwatson3

    wwatson3 Guest

    Can anybody help me..? I own a 94 accord LX 4dr.

    The tilt wheel lock does not tighten up enuf to hold the steering wheel
    secure in any position..

    does anybody know of a way to get that black plastic housing off and is
    there anything I can do to tighten this up..

    thank you,

    wwatson3, Feb 18, 2006
  2. -------------------------

    Take a look at the TSB for the recalls of ignition switches at this site
    It gives the procedure for getting the cowls off the steering column.
    You'll have to tighten up the nut that the lever turns and maybe put a
    drop of Contact cement on it so it won't need fixing for another 12
    years. The nut came with white paint on it from the factory. Contact
    cement is easier to work with. My '97 CR-V had the same problem. Lever
    would fall down.

    'Curly Q. Links', Feb 18, 2006
  3. wwatson3

    wwatson3 Guest

    thank you.. i think a trip to the library is in order..I think they
    have chiltons repair books there...I saw the sight you recommended, but
    it sounded a bit complex for what I needed to get done..

    Thank you again..

    wwatson3, Feb 18, 2006
  4. -------------------

    Sorry, I didn't realize the TSB didn't tell you how the covers come off.

    Here's a link to a PDF that shows the installation of the alarm system
    in a '97 CR-V. Removing the covers is explained.


    On your Accord (and most Hondas of that era) there's a long bolt that
    goes thru the hinge point of the steering column. The big adjustment
    lever you're talking about has the 'nut' welded on it. You need to go to
    the other end of the bolt and tighten it up. About 1/2 turn will
    probably snug it up. You'll see it has white paint on it as a LOCK. Use
    contact cement or paint to re-lock it when you're done.

    The Chilton's manual for your Accord would be a good investment, and
    very interesting reading too.

    'Curly Q. Links', Feb 18, 2006
  5. wwatson3

    wwatson3 Guest

    Well, the trip to the library and all your help made it a breeze...I
    had all the screws out of the housing, but it was a bit stubborn when I
    had to pull the clips apart..but it came apart perfectly...and after
    inspecting it, I found the exact bolt you were referring too...the bolt
    did have white paint on it and all it required was about a quarter turn
    counter-clockwise (I think its reverse threading)....and that snugged
    ot right up...cake

    thanks for the help..

    wwatson3, Feb 18, 2006
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