94 Civic 80amp fuse issue

Discussion in 'Civic' started by cowsnuker, May 30, 2006.

  1. cowsnuker

    cowsnuker Guest

    I go to get into the car, and my belt started to whine - but this was
    usual, I just haven't had a chance to adjust the belt tension since
    initially putting a new belt on.

    I drove less than 20 feet, and the car jolted to a stall. I say
    "alright, perhaps I just killed it, no problem" and tried to restart
    it. Well, all my electrical components don't work, except for the brake

    After looking around, I notice my 80amp main fuse under the hood was
    blown, so I proceeded to replace it. With the new fuse, I was able to
    turn everything on, but once I attempted starting the motor, it blew.

    More detailed description, before attempting to turn over, everything
    works, fuse remains fine. When attempting to turn it over, it quickly
    blows the 80amp fuse. Everything else is fine.

    I've had no signs of anything going out, and I've recently replaced the
    distributor/cap/rotor/spark plugs/wires/fuel filter/battery/alternator,
    within the past year. I checked the power wires leading to the starter,
    and alternator, and they seem fine.

    Is there something I could be missing, that would immediately blow the
    80amp fuse upon trying to turn over the car?

    I leave town for a new job on Thursday, so it's urgent I get my Civic
    running again, for the trip.

    Any help appreciated!
    cowsnuker, May 30, 2006
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