94 Honda Civic - handbrakes left on for long time

Discussion in 'Civic' started by bt2004, Sep 14, 2004.

  1. bt2004

    bt2004 Guest

    My friend forgot to release the handbrakes while driving her 1994 Honda
    Civic for some 20 minutes on a freeway/highway. She lost most of her
    braking capability for a while before regaining some control. A day later,
    it is a little better, but her braking is far from normal. Any ideas as to
    what part has been damaged and what to do next, aside from see your
    neighborhood mechanic? Thanks
    bt2004, Sep 14, 2004
  2. bt2004

    Abeness Guest

    Wow, that handbrake must have been pretty loose for her to be able to
    drive 20 minutes at highway speed without realizing something was up. If
    I had to guess, it would be that the rear brake pads/shoes (depending on
    whether she's got 4-wheel disc brakes or not) are ruined from excessive
    heat/friction. Get 'em checked. With a little luck, the rotors (if disc
    brakes) won't be warped from the heat.
    Abeness, Sep 14, 2004
  3. bt2004

    _chris_ Guest

    Get them checked ASAP.

    Most likely the drums and shoes are 'toast'. There could be possible the
    wheel cylinder damage.
    _chris_, Sep 15, 2004
  4. bt2004

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Replace the light in the dash . . . It's burned out. Then try driving it
    slowly backwards and yanking the handbrake up sharply, so the car slows
    a bit. Return the brake to the down position each time. Do it about
    thirty times and if the brakes aren't messed up too bad, it might speed
    the 'self-adjusting' process. Count the number of 'clicks' in the stroke
    of the handbrake before and after, to see if it made a difference. It
    does on some American cars, and won't hurt the Honda to try it.

    motsco_ _, Sep 15, 2004
  5. bt2004

    jim beam Guest

    curly, that doesn't work on the civic. they only self adjust when the
    main service brake is applied & released hard a number of times - maybe
    10 or ever 20 times. you can see it working if you take the drum off
    and have an assistant _gently_ operate the service brake. should hear
    it click each time it's released as the ratchet adjuster rotates. make
    sure hand brake is OFF when doing this.
    jim beam, Sep 15, 2004
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