94 Honda Civic LX Sound at startup - ABS? Also, light issues, more...

Discussion in 'Civic' started by psonal393, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. psonal393

    psonal393 Guest

    Every few days when I start my car, there is a loud noise and it only
    lasts for about a second. It sounds like something could be
    collaborating… I’m not sure. The sound resembles the noise when I
    slide on ice and the ABS kicks in, that sort of loud grinding noise
    and sounds like it is coming from the same place. I am unsure if it
    has anything to do with that though. It only does this once when I
    start the car in the morning, and won’t happen again 3-7 days later,
    and doesn’t seem to be effected by where and how I drive.

    When I do drive, I also hear a clicking noise when I go over large
    bumps or cracks in the road. The clicking lasts for about 5-10 clicks.
    It won’t happen every time either, just randomly. It has also started
    to happen when I come to a complete stop.

    I have also noticed that when I start the car, and turn the lights on,
    some of the lights on the dash won’t be on, and then a few seconds
    later, they will pop back on. Other times, when I turn the lights on,
    for about a second, none of the lights on the dash will be on, and
    then they will all come on.

    One last issue, when the car starts, sometimes the engine RPMs are
    going really fast, and sometimes pulses up and down really fast. Other
    times, it just starts normal and sounds like nothing is wrong.

    Does anyone have any advice or possible troubleshooting solutions to
    the problems noted above?

    psonal393, Jan 14, 2009
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