94 honda clutch

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by rynniki, Dec 22, 2003.

  1. rynniki

    rynniki Guest

    my husband and i have a 94 honda civic dx and this morning it was hard to put in reverse. but once the car was warmed up and running for awhile it went into gear fine.what could be causing this? also how do you know if your clutch is going up?
    rynniki, Dec 22, 2003
  2. rynniki

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    When you have lots of miles or km. on it and when it becomes hard to
    shift while the engine is running. It can also no longer be smooth on
    the uptake. (kinda like an old husband) bob
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Dec 22, 2003
  3. rynniki

    Fluffy Guest

    If it's hard to put in reverse, put it in 1st gear, then try the reverse
    again. Generally the shifting is notchy when the transmission is still
    cold, especially winter cold.

    A very good indication if the clutch is wearing out or going bad is if it
    starts slipping. Mileage is not always an indicator... My first Civic I
    decided to change it on my own at 150,000 miles but when I did, I noticed
    that the clutch still had a lot of life left. (Had lots of highway driving,

    put in reverse. but once the car was warmed up and running for awhile it
    went into gear fine.what could be causing this? also how do you know if your
    clutch is going up?
    Fluffy, Dec 23, 2003
  4. rynniki

    Randolph Guest

    My '94 Civic is sometimes hard to get in reverse as well and has been
    that way all its life. Put it in neutral, let out the clutch for half a
    second then press the clutch again. Wait 5 seconds or so and then put it
    in reverse.
    Randolph, Dec 23, 2003
  5. rynniki

    rynniki Guest

    thanks guys so much as of this morning and last night it was working fine,all the transmission places i called told me i needed a new clutch ,but i think its fine now
    rynniki, Dec 23, 2003
  6. fine,all the transmission places i called told me i needed a new clutch
    ,but i think its fine now

    They probably were wanting your money and did not really care about
    whether or not you really needed a new clutch. It's like a person with
    excellent hearing going into one of those little shops that sell hearing
    aids. They will give anyone a free hearing test and guess what--even if
    you have excellent hearing--the test results will show that you need
    hearing aids.
    Bill B. Johnson, Dec 23, 2003
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