94 Integra burst A/C suction hose question

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by TeGGeR®, Jun 14, 2005.

  1. TeGGeR®

    TeGGeR® Guest

    There's somebody I've been corresponding with via private email. I am
    unable to help him because I don't know much about air conditioning.

    Hoping somebody here can help.

    His plight is below:

    "1994 integra LS 3 dr 234,000 MILES still purrs! 12 years old!!!

    Last August had the A/C high side pressure switch replaced and system
    Ice cold air until last Friday.

    All of a sudden I noticed "uncooled air" coming out of vents.....THEN....
    Turning A/C switch on and off a few times.....had a burst of freon come
    through the "suction hose. (This is the hose coming from compressor to the
    recharging intake valve marked by an L....) It is a low pressure hose.
    It split the rubber housing exposing the braided hose underneath near the
    crimped part!

    I can replace this hose and recharge but does anyone have any knowledge if
    something MORE substantial might have happened with the compressor to cause
    this pressure burst?

    The suction hose is $117.00 and I would hate to repair and recharge system
    only to find out it was something MORE involved!!"
    TeGGeR®, Jun 14, 2005
  2. I think it is a good risk. The sudden loss of pressure would have shut down
    the compressor immediately, and a burst hose is not unheard of. For it to
    fail a week after service is also not unusual because the system pressures
    are typically higher - I've had a couple of compressor clutches fail a few
    days after service.

    What I don't understand is the loss of cooling *before* the hose burst. That
    is a question to ask a real expert before proceeding. If there is a question
    of blockage that changes the picture.

    Michael Pardee, Jun 14, 2005
  3. I think it is a good risk. The sudden loss of pressure would have shut down
    the compressor immediately, and a burst hose is not unheard of. For it to
    fail a week after service is also not unusual because the system pressures
    are typically higher - I've had a couple of compressor clutches fail a few
    days after service.

    What I don't understand is the loss of cooling *before* the hose burst. That
    is a question to ask a real expert before proceeding. If there is a question
    of blockage that changes the picture.

    Michael Pardee, Jun 14, 2005
  4. TeGGeR®

    Professor Guest

    Very strange the suction hose would burst... more likely it had a
    weak-spot defect or was mechanically damaged. I think you should spend
    the money and replace it. I think there's a good chance that was the
    only failure.

    Professor, Jun 15, 2005
  5. TeGGeR®

    Professor Guest

    Very strange the suction hose would burst... more likely it had a
    weak-spot defect or was mechanically damaged. I think you should spend
    the money and replace it. I think there's a good chance that was the
    only failure.

    Professor, Jun 15, 2005
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