"94" integra nonVTEC 1.8L

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Neil Jackson, Nov 3, 2003.

  1. Neil Jackson

    Neil Jackson Guest

    Hello All, Newbie here,
    My son just installed a supposedly new rebuilt motor. After getting the
    thing put in, (roughly 900 miles)
    The rods started to knock pretty bad. It was my guess that perhaps the rod
    caps had not been torgued to spec.
    Upon examination. It seems that the caps are fine. But there seems to be an
    awful lot of side play and looseness, Factory service limits are
    ..016 I've got considerably less than that. My concern is the ease at which I
    can move the rod from side to side.

    Any idea's would be greatly appreciated.

    Neil Jackson, Nov 3, 2003
  2. Neil Jackson

    Eric Guest

    Have you measured the rod bearing to crankshaft journal clearance with
    plastigauge? Note, be sure to carefully remove all traces of plastigauge
    before you even think about rotating the crankshaft (also clean all traces
    of oil from the bearing and journal surfaces before using the plastigauge).

    Eric, Nov 5, 2003
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