95 accord starting problem

Discussion in 'Accord' started by SoCalMike, Aug 5, 2005.

  1. SoCalMike

    SoCalMike Guest

    had an old man come up to me outside a store, holding his keys. asked me
    if i could start his car for him. i thought mebbe he has arthritis or
    something and cant work the key. he must have been in his 80s or so.

    anyhow, i open the car, sit inside, turn the key. lights
    (lamp check) go on on the dash... but they dont go off. when i turn it
    to start, car clicked once, lights stayed on.

    he ended up calling AAA, but anyway-

    was this an infamous main relay prob?
    starter switch?
    maybe the codealarm alarm was malfunctioning?

    car had 114k miles, A/T. horn, interior fan, and lights worked well,
    from what i could tell- so it might not have been a battery prob.

    woulda been cool if i coulda banged once on the dash, like fonzie... and
    started his car for him!
    SoCalMike, Aug 5, 2005
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