95 Civic CX no sparks

Discussion in 'Civic' started by patbro, Sep 8, 2006.

  1. patbro

    patbro Guest

    Hi all!
    Everything was working fine,came to a stop sign,ok went ahead and
    engine died totally.It will crank no problems,i could smell gas,i hear
    the pump pumping the gas but no spark.
    What should i look at?
    The car is going on ther computer Friday sometimes.
    Just looking for input.
    Thanks a bunch!!!
    patbro, Sep 8, 2006
  2. patbro

    Elle Guest

    First two candidates:

    If the car refuses to start, igniter (on the distributor
    housing). Roughly $100 part, plus another $50 to $100 to
    replace it.

    If this has happened before, ignition coil (mounted on the
    distributor housing as well).

    For more info, see
    Elle, Sep 8, 2006
  3. patbro

    patbro Guest

    Thanks Elle !
    I remember reading something about the igniter at one point around
    here...i did take the distributor cap off and see 2 small black
    box.Likely the igniter and ignition coil.I notice the one closer to the
    firewall(inside the housing) has what looks like a small crack.I'm
    still gonna get the codes pull out to make sure and will get the part
    to fix it myself.I just with i had my own computer to pull the codes
    Thanks again!
    patbro, Sep 8, 2006
  4. patbro

    Elle Guest

    Hi Pat, I do not think a bad igniter sets codes. It's a
    common malady discussed here often, plus I've had one go bad
    on my 91 Civic, and I don't recall any codes.

    Plenty of online Honda manuals and instructions (with
    drawings and/or photos!) are available to help with removal
    of the igniter /and/ diagnosis of it, BTW. It is definitely
    a do-it-yourself job if you're a little handy. Tegger's site
    is a good starting point. The following site has links to
    online manuals:

    If you do replace it, only buy OEM. It can be had from
    online parts sites for under $100, generally.

    One other thing: When was the car last tuned up (new plugs,
    wires, distributor cap and rotor, timing checked, new air
    and fuel filters, maybe a new PCV valve)? Were OEM parts

    In the past year, I recall two no start or rough running
    conditions for Hondas here, and all that was needed was
    something like new plugs or wires.
    Elle, Sep 8, 2006
  5. ---------------------------------------

    Look in the oil filler cap and see if anything rotates when a friend
    gives the starter a spin for a couple seconds. You may have a broken
    timing belt.

    'Curly Q. Links', Sep 8, 2006
  6. patbro

    patbro Guest

    Last tune up was spring of 2006(not long ago).Only the wire and plug
    were repalced with NGK(along the normal stuff/filters/oil...).Timing
    belt/water pump was done 2 month ago.Timing is fine.
    I've own the car for 3 years now(167000km/203000km now).
    The main repair was the head gasket last year beside that it was all
    normal use and wear and tear.Yes i only use gunuine Honda parts on my
    civic.I put a cheaper upper tab on it 2 years ago and it lasted less
    than 3 month.
    I'm feeling confident it is that igniter.I will keep you posted.Thanks
    again for the help.
    patbro, Sep 8, 2006
  7. patbro

    Jim Yanik Guest

    You should be able to tell just from the sound difference in cranking;when
    the belt on my 73Civic CVCC broke,the motor "whirred" really fast compared
    to normal cranking. Lucky it was a non-interference engine!
    Jim Yanik, Sep 8, 2006
  8. patbro

    patbro Guest

    Looks like i have to buy a rotor assembly.About $300 CDN.
    I got told it is a common/known problems on Honda.
    patbro, Sep 8, 2006
  9. ----------------------------------

    What kind of "ROTOR" costs $300 ? ? ? Canadian tire sells me rotors for
    my distributor that cost about $11.

    'Curly Q. Links', Sep 8, 2006
  10. patbro

    patbro Guest

    That rotor houses the IGNITER and mine failed.I was told to repalce the
    "hole" assembly.
    Ima gonna call Honda right now and see.
    patbro, Sep 8, 2006
  11. patbro

    patbro Guest

    $254.00 confirmed from Honda for the rotor assembly(witch is with the
    igniter comes)
    My mechanics told me it would repalce it for $300(labour included).
    Does not seem that bad to me.I'm in Canada by the way.
    patbro, Sep 8, 2006
  12. patbro

    Elle Guest

    Probably what was meant was the distributor housing.

    From my experience with my 91 Civic and reading posts here,
    one new distributor housing in the life of a c. 1990s Honda
    is about right. The new one should last you the rest of the
    life of the car.

    OTOH, in 2003 the yahoos at a certain independent Honda shop
    with whom I dealt insisted on replacing the whole housing on
    my 91 Honda, claiming it would fix the "dies after warmup
    while driving and at stoplights" problem, and it did not.
    Turned out to be the coil. They replaced that a couple weeks
    later when my car was a "comeback."

    On the third hand, like I say, with the myriad other
    problems an old housing can have (stripped rotor set screw;
    bad bearing; old wiring), a new housing once in a Honda's
    life seems reasonable to me.
    Elle, Sep 8, 2006
  13. patbro

    Elle Guest

    This exploded view of the 95 Civic CX's distributor might
    help with some of the vocabulary:


    The quoted price you're getting seems fair enough for a
    Elle, Sep 8, 2006
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