95 Civic Heater/AC Control Panel Light Replacement

Discussion in 'Civic' started by bstewart68, Jan 12, 2005.

  1. bstewart68

    bstewart68 Guest

    Hey All,

    How do you replace the lights in the heater/AC control panel lights.
    Both are burned out. My Helms manual does not specify how to replace
    them nor the light type. Are they like the ones in the rear defroster
    and cruise control button lights?

    bstewart68, Jan 12, 2005
  2. bstewart68

    Randolph Guest

    As far as I can remember, the bulbs are not easily replaceable. You have
    to take the ventilation control head out of the car and take it apart to
    get to the bulbs. They are not bayonet mounted from the outside like on
    the defogger and cruise switches. The Helm manual tells you how to take
    out the control head, the rest is up to your ingenuity. Honda probably
    does not list spare bulbs for this, you'll have to take the old bulbs in
    and hope the parts guy can match them up with something they stock. If
    you try to do this at Stevens Creek Honda, the parts guy will give you a
    blank stare, then say "Huh? What are those?"
    Randolph, Jan 12, 2005
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