95 Civic wiper problem...

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Gnome of Zurich, Jun 22, 2005.

  1. Hi all,

    My friend has a '95 Honda Civic on which the wipers are exhibiting the
    following annoying symptoms:

    1) High speed works fine.

    2) The low and intermittent speeds don't work at all (i.e., when the switch
    is turned to either of these positions, the wipers don't move).

    3) When operating the wipers at high speed, which is the only speed they
    work at, turning the switch to the off position causes them to stop dead in
    their tracks wherever they happen to be at that instant. In other words,
    they don't go back to their "home" position when turned off like they're
    supposed to.

    My friend has found out from the Honda dealer that it will cost her $80 just
    to have the problem diagnosed, and if it's the wiper switch, it will cost
    about $300 to have that replaced (in addition to the $80 diagnostic charge).

    I told her she'd be in a much better position to decide how to proceed if
    she had the advice and wisdom of some experts first.

    So, experts, what do you think the problem is in this case? The wiper
    switch? The wiper motor? Something else? What would you do if you were in
    her position?

    Many thanks in advance.

    Gnome of Zurich, Jun 22, 2005
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