95 eclipse turbo

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jay, Oct 22, 2006.

  1. jay

    jay Guest

    does anybody know why a 95 eclipse turbo w/ auto trani makes a knocking
    clicking noise inside the engine compartment, and the oil levels read
    low, eventhough the dipstick marks normal oil levels.
    jay, Oct 22, 2006
  2. jay

    Dave Kelsen Guest

    Not to put too fine a point on it, but Honda didn't just buy Mazda, did

    What method of determining the oil level reads low if the dipstick does not?

    Why are you asking your questions *only* in a Honda group?

    What's the capitol of South Dakota?

    Dave Kelsen
    Dave Kelsen, Oct 22, 2006
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