95 honda civic overheating - help anyone??

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Latitude Wizard, Mar 25, 2005.

  1. Hi,
    I have a 95 honda civic.
    I had my temp spike up suddenly once in a while... 2 months later my
    radiator broke down. I had the radiator changed. car drove ok for a week or
    so then started spiking up on heat.... going to max. The only way i could
    control it is by turning on the interior heater to max. as i turn heater to
    max the temp begins to climb back. Then i changed the thermostat (drained
    fluid). It ran a little better..... less spikes. But now it's almost

    if i drive on highway wihtout turning on my interior heater the heat will
    climb to max. again i have to turn on heater to max to cool it down to
    normal (half way).

    I really need help to suggest me what could this be?? The fan is working
    when i short the wire going to temperature switch. Also if the temp goes up
    3/4th i do see the fan running.

    anyone with ideas?? I am dreaded that i may need to run heater during

    help me pls.

    shamNOSPAMsdewan AT hotmail DOT com
    Latitude Wizard, Mar 25, 2005
  2. Latitude Wizard

    Remco Guest

    You probably have an air bubble in your system. It could be in your
    heater core, and those bubbles take a while to dissipate, if ever.

    Try running the engine stationary at a couple of K RRM with the
    radiator cap off. Watch the temperture, because you don't want
    overheating. When you see the coolant level drop, add more coolant.
    Eventually you will hear a distinct burb, signalling that th air bubble
    came out.

    Hope that's it
    Remco, Mar 25, 2005
  3. Latitude Wizard

    jim beam Guest

    sounds like you have a coolant leak. check all your hoses and if
    necessary, the water pump "weep" hole. my crx was losing coolant
    because the water pump seals had gone.
    jim beam, Mar 25, 2005
  4. Latitude Wizard

    Joseph Wind Guest

    I have to agree, you never mentioned replacing the water pump. If you have
    at least 100k miles it's time to replace the water pump.
    Joseph Wind, Mar 26, 2005
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