95 honda civic won't pass emissions

Discussion in 'Civic' started by snakeman, Jul 20, 2004.

  1. snakeman

    snakeman Guest

    I've had my honda civic's emission system tested three times and it failed
    three times. I've changed the spark plugs, oil, wires, distributor cap,
    rotor, o2 sensor, and the air filter. Does anyone have any suggestions on
    what else needs to be done? The reading for the last test on HC was 224
    with the allowed being 147, CO reading was 2.10 with the allowed being
    0.82, and the NO reading was 1825, with the allowed being 1072. All of
    these readings were done on the 25/25 test. On the 50/15 test, the
    reading for HC was 195 with the allowed being 152, CO was 1.48 with
    allowed being 0.85, and the NO was 1808 with allowed being 1186. I just
    changed the oxygen sensor but I don't want to have it tested if there are
    other things that needs replacement as well. Any help is appreciated.
    snakeman, Jul 20, 2004
  2. snakeman

    Randolph Guest

    What were the readings for O2? I know there is no pass / fail for O2,
    but it is valuable to know for diagnostic purposes.

    If there is plenty of O2 in the exhaust, it would seem your catalytic
    converter is not doing its job.
    Randolph, Jul 20, 2004
  3. snakeman

    motsco_ _ Guest


    You didn't mention changing your PCV . . . Very easy to do on most
    Hondas, and often overlooked when mileage suddenly goes down the toilet,
    or oil consumption rises.

    Do a google search to learn more.

    motsco_ _, Jul 20, 2004
  4. snakeman

    snakeman Guest

    I think the O2 reading on the 25/25 test was 16.1 and on the 50/15 test it
    showed 15.9 with the allowable on both being 6.0.
    snakeman, Jul 20, 2004
  5. snakeman

    snakeman Guest

    Thanks, I'll check into that.
    snakeman, Jul 20, 2004
  6. snakeman

    snakeman Guest

    Thanks,I'll check into that
    snakeman, Jul 20, 2004
  7. snakeman

    SoCalMike Guest

    sounds like youve done everything but the catalyst. make sure the timing
    is set to spec too, and id check the valve clearance. a compression
    check would also be handy, to see how the rings and everything else are.
    SoCalMike, Jul 21, 2004
  8. snakeman

    Honda Doc Guest

    You need a catalytic converter.
    Honda Doc, Jul 21, 2004
  9. snakeman

    Randolph Guest

    16% would be VERY high for O2. are you sure it is O2 and not CO2 that is
    Randolph, Jul 21, 2004
  10. snakeman

    snakeman Guest

    That was my error on the previous post. The CO2 reading is 16.1 on the
    25/25 test and 15.9 on the 15.9 test not the O2 reading
    snakeman, Jul 21, 2004
  11. snakeman

    SoCalMike Guest

    a new cat would take care of all 3 pollutants. but if the car isnt tuned
    right, the new cat might not last long.
    SoCalMike, Jul 22, 2004
  12. snakeman

    Randolph Guest

    Which is why it would be interesting to se the O2 numbers. If there is
    plenty of O2 in the exhaust, I would agree that a new cat would solve
    the problem. If there is next to no O2 in the exhaust, a new cat would
    do nothing.
    Randolph, Jul 22, 2004
  13. snakeman

    J Thomas Guest

    Dear Curly,

    This is a common problem for all civics. NO emmission or called as
    "No-x" by all auto technicians. I also had an 89 civic with 150000
    miles. Awsome near car, no dents, no probs, good milege 35 m/gall..
    why would some one sell one ?

    Last year there comes a test only from dept of motor vehicles, Ca
    which made me think twice before going for smog. I did all check lists
    before smog and it failed for smog. NOX - 10 points above .

    Honda Techs here in sacto adviced me to do 150000 mi serv. $380.00
    gone came again with same reading.

    Then was the tune up and so on final result $1000 + fail
    I had to then sell this car to a dealer

    If you live near foot hills, NOx emissions are not reguired by law.
    Drive down and check smog places. If you are in ca, i could advice
    J Thomas, Jul 23, 2004
  14. snakeman

    SoCalMike Guest

    on a scale of?
    well, yeah. did that include a new O2 sensor? after 150k miles, the cat
    might very well be shot.
    at gunpoint? could you have gotten an aftermarket cat for it?
    SoCalMike, Jul 24, 2004
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