95 Honda Prelude

Discussion in 'Prelude' started by doeweb, Dec 22, 2006.

  1. doeweb

    doeweb Guest

    I bought a used 95 Prelude with 159,000 miles on it. When I bought it
    the timing belt, water pump, cam seal, crank seal and two clipter
    replaced. Thus far I've spent 300.00 on breaks and rotors for the
    front. I get it home and notice it's leaking about a quarter size
    amount of oil each morning. I took it in to a mechanic he said that it
    was filled with excess oil below so he pressure washed the bottom and
    told me to drive it for a couple of days to see if it continues. 3 days
    go by and I still see the oil dripping on my cardboad. I took it in
    again and 2 days later he called me to say its done, he replaced the
    PCV valve and told me to see if this works any better. I guess the oil
    was more less falling off in the middle of the engine. Has anyone ever
    heard of this or had problems simliar to this? I know the car has high
    miles and it's more less a beater however it's quite depressing to see
    something leaking so much.
    doeweb, Dec 22, 2006
  2. doeweb

    Elle Guest

    Sounds like your mechanic is following a more-or-less
    methodical approach to identify the source of the leak,
    starting from least expensive to more expensive.
    Specifically re the PCV valve: If it is old and not working
    correctly, the crankcase can become overpressurized, forcing
    oil out seals.

    There are other possible causes, too. Make sure the valve
    cover gasket is not too old. Same for the distributor seals
    between it and the engine top.

    159k miles is not too old for your car. Hang in there and
    see if the leak can be tracked down.

    To help your mechanic, maybe check the oil level (with the
    car parked on the same surface, same place, every time,
    about the same temperature, too) regularly in the coming
    weeks. Report to him/her and here how much oil seems to be
    leaking via how much the dipstick mark changes.
    Elle, Dec 22, 2006
  3. doeweb

    Elle Guest

    Another often easy to fix candidate: Stripped oil pan drain

    Who did the cam and crank seal replacement jobs?

    You mentioned a "clipter" in your first post. What is this?
    Elle, Dec 22, 2006
  4. doeweb

    jim beam Guest

    what oil do you have in there? i ask because when i got my old 89 civic
    about 3 years ago, i was using cheapo motorcraft oil and it leaked like
    a sieve. all the seals were leaking, distributor, cam, and crankshaft,
    both ends. subsequently i used castrol gtx and after about 2 weeks, it
    stopped leaking! after i'd bought a seal set too.

    moral of the story: oil is cheap. change out to some good stuff and see
    if that helps.

    and 160k on a honda is barely half way there...
    jim beam, Dec 23, 2006
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