96 accord 4 cylinder engine vibration

Discussion in 'Accord' started by slimfil, Aug 18, 2005.

  1. slimfil

    slimfil Guest

    I have an engine vibration coming up through the gas pedal when I
    apply the gas.Its there through all speeds except when the engine is
    idleing.The mechanics at the dealership can’t find the problem.Timing
    has been checked.
    Could there possibly be a motor mount failure?
    slimfil, Aug 18, 2005
  2. Motor mount failure would be my guess. My '93 was about the same age
    as your '96 when it began to have motor mount problems. One mount (the
    rear?) is hard to see and is bad about crushing. But, this should have
    been the first thing the dealer checked. They probably did. If they
    did not, I would take it somewhere else.

    Elliot Richmond
    Freelance Science Writer and Editor
    Elliot Richmond, Aug 18, 2005
  3. slimfil

    slimfil Guest

    Thanks for your info Elliot. Does the rear mount usually fail first?
    I’m not sure if It is liquid filled but the dealer should know.

    Thanks again, Arnold
    slimfil, Aug 21, 2005
  4. If I understand it right, the liquid filled mounts were used with automatic
    tranny models. My daughter's engine is vibrating a lot, and I suspect the
    rear mounts. (I'll take a look later this week when the Helm manual
    arrives.) The price on-line is pocket change more than $200 US apiece, but
    if that's what it needs....

    Michael Pardee, Aug 22, 2005
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