96 Accord clutch issue

Discussion in 'Accord' started by C B George, Nov 10, 2004.

  1. C B George

    C B George Guest

    96 Accord EX 5 Speed 75,000 miles.
    On my way home tonight, my clutch was mushy in that it didn't seem to engage
    as early as it usually does. Shifting out of first was fine but to come to
    a stop, I couldn't get it into first without jamming it. Only change
    between this morning and tonight was that the temperatures were colder today
    but nothing the car hadn't seen before.
    C B George, Nov 10, 2004
  2. Mine does that too sometimes, I always make sure to have my foot all the way
    SEcondly don't force it all the way to the left, then up. Slight it gently,
    it should pop smoothly into gear.
    Either that or blame the wife of driving it badly!
    stylesandsmiles, Nov 11, 2004
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