96 Accord LX 2.2l MFI AT

Discussion in 'Accord' started by canopy2k, Mar 21, 2007.

  1. canopy2k

    canopy2k Guest

    Hi guys, was really hoping you can help me out!

    Was driving home today and the tranny started slipping. Then the CEL
    came on. I pulled over, turned the car off, then restarted it, drove
    fine for about 5 minutes. Started slipping again. Turned off, turned
    on, driving fine again. I had the code pulled and is P0718 Turbine
    Speed Sensor intermittent.

    Would I just need to replace this part? Is it strange that the
    transmission would stop slipping just because I turned the car off and
    then on again? It doesnt matter if the car is off for 2 seconds or 2
    minutes. Just turning it off and on again fixes it for a little
    while. Maybe a bad connection somewhere?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, if I do need to replace
    this part, where would I find one, and is the part actually called
    "turbine speed sensor"?

    canopy2k, Mar 21, 2007
  2. canopy2k

    canopy2k Guest


    canopy2k, Mar 22, 2007
  3. canopy2k

    Zippo Guest

    Is it only one certain gear it slips in?
    Zippo, Mar 22, 2007
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