96 Accord Wagon Airbags

Discussion in 'Accord' started by ET, Jul 1, 2003.

  1. ET

    ET Guest

    After the SRS warning light came on I was told by the dealer that the air
    bag computer was not functioning and the cost of the unit was close to $700
    and labor would bring this near $1000!. I think this is outrageous and since
    it is a safety feature Honda shouldn't gouge people. Is there a contact at
    Honda where I could send "my opinion" on this state of affairs and get a
    concerned response.
    Thanks for the reply.
    ED T
    ET, Jul 1, 2003
  2. Wouldn't you rather have the problem fixed, and at a better price, than have
    a "concerned response"?

    Try a wrecker, or here...

    $510 USD. I'll betcha it's plug and play.
    Stephen Bigelow, Jul 1, 2003
  3. if you crash in a honda hard enough to deploy the airbags, you're gonna die
    anyways, why worry?
    Chris & Brandie, Jul 2, 2003
  4. Really? Not according to the experts.

    Ever seen an Odyssey in an accident? Ever seen a GM minivan in an

    Chris, you're boring.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jul 2, 2003
  5. ET

    Mike Mundy Guest


    I had same prob with my '95 Odyssey and repair estimate was similar.
    I feel, as you do, that such high cost to repair a basic safety
    system that *doesn't undergo any wear and tear* is outrageous.
    Wrote to Honda and they were unresponsive.
    Am still driving the Odysssey without airbags and, when the time came
    to buy a new car I voted with my pocketbook and bought a Subaru.
    Mike Mundy, Jul 7, 2003
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