96 accura ex air problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by nnote, Jun 13, 2006.

  1. nnote

    nnote Guest

    My air was working just fine until I left the car parked for a few
    days... Now I can turn on the air, and the green 'activated' light comes
    on, but nothing happens.
    When I turn on the air, I get no compressor kicking in or even drop in
    rpm's when the compressor kicks in, just absoloutly nothing, except hot
    air. I checked ALL fuses and even replaced the compressor clutch fuse
    with a new fuse and still nothing.
    I've read that there is a box behind the glove box that can effect the
    air, so I looked but only found one small box with a harness running
    into it. I cleaned the wires and connectors there, but still nothing.
    Any Ideas?
    nnote, Jun 13, 2006
  2. nnote

    Earle Horton Guest

    The most likely cause for this problem is leak, low refrigerant level.
    There is a safety switch, that prevents the compressor from coming on, with
    insufficient refrigerant. The best thing to do is to ask around locally,
    for the most competent, honest AC repair shop, and hope that people steer
    you in the right direction.

    For DIY information, www.acsource.com. Warning, advanced level.

    You can do what all the other shade tree mechanics do, and get a "recharge
    kit" from a local auto parts store. Maybe this will get you through a
    season. There is a leak though, and sooner or later you will have to have
    it fixed.

    It is hard to predict the future, or what is going on with a vehicle you
    have never seen personally, but this is so common...

    Earle Horton, Jun 13, 2006
  3. nnote

    Paul Guest

    : My air was working just fine until I left the car parked for a few
    : days... Now I can turn on the air, and the green 'activated' light comes
    : on, but nothing happens.
    : When I turn on the air, I get no compressor kicking in or even drop in
    : rpm's when the compressor kicks in, just absoloutly nothing, except hot
    : air. I checked ALL fuses and even replaced the compressor clutch fuse
    : with a new fuse and still nothing.
    : I've read that there is a box behind the glove box that can effect the
    : air, so I looked but only found one small box with a harness running
    : into it. I cleaned the wires and connectors there, but still nothing.
    : Any Ideas?

    This happened to me once with my '87 Civic wagon. A/C was working fine
    before I parked it in a public lot for a couple of hours, not working at all
    when I came back to the car and started it. I took it to my mechanic
    expected to need freon, a new compressor, etc.... turned out the belt that
    drives the compressor was missing. To this day I have no idea what happened
    to it. It was a pretty cheap fix.

    Worth a look?

    Paul, Jun 13, 2006
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