96 civic reluctantly accelerating

Discussion in 'Civic' started by bekahl07, Sep 21, 2005.

  1. bekahl07

    bekahl07 Guest

    I have a 96 civic, and until just recently everything was fine. I've
    noticed lately that when I step on the gas, it really doesn't matter which
    gear, it hesitates to speed up and becomes kind of jerky. Just an hour
    ago, I was going up a pretty steep hill in 2nd gear, maybe 15 mph, and it
    would not accelerate and the check engine light came on. I've had a
    clutch go out on me in the past, and the engine is not revving in gear now
    like I had experienced with my previous Honda. nybody have any words of
    bekahl07, Sep 21, 2005

  2. ----------------------------

    What's the mileage, when was the last tune-up, and when did you last run
    a can of injector cleaner thru it? Any chance it's just a tankfull of
    crappy gasoline?

    'Curly Q. Links', Sep 21, 2005
  3. bekahl07

    bekahl07 Guest

    I had a tune up a year ago, and had an oil change 2 months ago. My mileage
    is 136,610. I ran an injector cleaner about 3 or 4 months ago and just
    recently yesterday morning.
    bekahl07, Sep 21, 2005
  4. Perhaps the fuel filter needs to be replaced.
    High Tech Misfit, Sep 22, 2005
  5. bekahl07

    bekahl07 Guest

    I believe I had the Fuel filter replaced last year as well. This morning,
    while driving to work I noticed a strange smell. I also plugged one of
    those computer reader gadgets in last night and it read p0304 4 misfire
    detected. We reset the check engine light, and then it came back on again
    today when I was accelerating up a hill again.
    My real pressing question is: Am I going to be able to make the 6 hour
    drive I plan on doing tomorrow?
    bekahl07, Sep 22, 2005
  6. ========================

    (1) Has the Civic ever stalled at a stop sign or light while the engine
    was still warming up? At 136,000 Miles, I wonder if you've got a tight
    valve. (2) Have they ever been adjusted?
    If you answer YES to the first question, and NO to the second question,
    your trip should probably be postponed until you can get them inspected.

    F.Y.I. NOTE TO 1st Generation CR-V OWNERS . . . . . Honda CR-V is
    notorious for burning valves on the first generation engines ('97-'01).
    The European version of the owner's manual apparently recommends valve
    adjustments every 50,000 Km (30,000 miles). Those who know about this
    set the clearance on the LOOSE side of the spec. The North American
    version of the manual says 'Wait till they get noisy' which is insane,
    because (on that engine) they tighten (quieter) as they wear.

    'Curly Q. Links', Sep 22, 2005
  7. bekahl07

    bekahl07 Guest


    You are the biggest help! It has never stalled on
    me, and I have never had a valve adjusted.
    Unfortunately, I can't postpone my trip either, I am
    in a wedding on Staurday and must be there.
    Do you think everything will be okay?

    bekahl07, Sep 22, 2005
  8. bekahl07

    Guest Guest

    P0304 4 misfire:

    #4 Fuel Injector bad. replace it and you should be fine unless you get
    any more check engine lights.
    Guest, Sep 22, 2005
  9. bekahl07

    SoCalMike Guest

    misfire... hm.

    if i was going to do something, itd be to change the plugs with ND or
    NGK, or at least look at em and clean em.

    then, if i was going to just throw money at the misfire problem, id
    replace (in this order)

    distributor cap

    with OEM stuff.
    SoCalMike, Sep 23, 2005
  10. bekahl07

    gmccx Guest

    Last time I got symptoms very much like that, it was plug wires. More
    specifically the boots on the plug ends were arcing through to the valve
    cover. This was the case where the boots fitted down inside holes in
    the valve cover - I don't know if a 96 Civic is like that, but my 95 Sol
    sure is, along with my wife's 95 MX-3.
    gmccx, Sep 25, 2005
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