96 Civic with 110k----looking for advice on taking care

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Brad, Nov 28, 2004.

  1. Brad

    Brad Guest

    I have a 96 civic EX with 110k on it. It has been a great car, the only
    thing I have ever had to replace was the alternator and battery. I replaced
    the timing belt not too long ago just to get it out of the way.

    The engine however many times make a deep knocking when in low gear or going
    up a hill, especially when the engine is cold. The dealer could not find
    anything and suggested moving up an octane. I am curious if I should some
    STP treatment to clean out the engine. I am not very car savy---cant even
    change my own oil---so is the STP stuff safe?

    Any other advice to take care of the engine? All my driving is stop and go
    and I get the oil changed every 3k.
    Brad, Nov 28, 2004
  2. If the knocking sound resembles a metallic pinging, I believe I answered
    this for somebody else recently. Try a higher quality gasoline brand,
    regardless of octane. It worked for my '93 Accord after a few fill-ups.

    Of course, has your car been tuned up recently? If the ignition timing is
    off, that could also cause the knocking or pinging.
    Imminent Vengeance, Nov 28, 2004
  3. Brad

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Read the part in your manual about 'maximum shift points'. I wonder if
    you're not reving the engine high enough.

    You won't hurt it by reving higher, but you will if you let it 'lug'.

    A can of injector cleaner twice a year wouldn't hurt at all, too

    motsco_ _, Nov 28, 2004
  4. Brad

    SoCalMike Guest

    water pump too? have the valves ever been checked/adjusted?
    id try moving up a grade or switching gas stations first.
    SoCalMike, Nov 29, 2004
  5. Brad

    Pars Guest

    Unless you're racing the car, I'd change the oil every 6k and use the
    savings to put towards higher octane gas. In my opinion, the car tends to
    better (more efficient) with the timming slightly on the plus side (which
    forces you to use higher octane gas). If it's still 'Pinging' with 89 Octane
    (assuming the gas stations is good), then the engine will need some
    adjustment. Personaly, I like to blend Regular and Premimum, instead of
    simply putting
    in the mid range stuff (mid range = 89 octane).

    98 DX Hatch
    Pars, Nov 29, 2004
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