96 Honda Accord electrical and speaker problem...please help!

Discussion in 'Accord' started by ShawnCVD, Jul 9, 2005.

  1. ShawnCVD

    ShawnCVD Guest

    Good morning all! I was hoping someone could offer some guidance and if
    not this is good for a laugh...

    I got a 96 AccordLX Coupe used one month ago. The car was in an
    accident, had the passenger side door replaced and the sound system is
    factory. All power controls work flawlessly with replaced door. The
    only problems were the curb light in passenger door stayed on overnite
    and drained my battery, the door indicator was always lit and the
    front speakers didn't work. After removing the bulb and ignoring the
    indicatomy next step was to replace the front speakers.

    One day the driver side speaker engaged after I signalled! A few
    days later I had the passenger door open and that speaker kicked in
    though at half strength. I was curious to what extent my electrical
    problems are so I plugged the curb bulb back in and observed the
    following symptoms:

    1 Driver side front speaker works fine once a headlite or signal is

    2 Passenger side speaker will start up and be loudest when door is
    open, though never to full strength. When door is closed it becomes
    very faint. Also it will be slightly louder when overhead light is set
    to center. Overhead light glows dimly on center setting while this
    speaker is active and door is closed.

    3 Curb Light on passenger will behaive normal until radio is on or
    overhead light is set to center. Turn the radio on and the light will
    glow or pulsate (even if car is fully turned off!). Centering overhead
    light will cause curb light to do opposite (on when door closed, off
    when open).

    Until the overhead light came into play I had suspected all problems
    were related to a grumpy 10-year-old factory radio. Now I don't know
    where to start. I'm hesitant to install new speakers until this problem
    is rectified. Any insight will be appreciated. Thanks!

    ShawnCVD, Jul 9, 2005
  2. ShawnCVD

    E Meyer Guest

    I would start by checking the wiring that runs from the car body into the
    door for abraded insulation/ bad splices, etc. It sounds like you are
    having shorts in those wires. Also take out the door-open switch (that
    button on the door frame that is pushed in when the door closes) and check
    the condition of the wires going into that. I think you will find the
    wiring going into the door was damaged in the accident.
    E Meyer, Jul 9, 2005
  3. ShawnCVD

    ShawnCVD Guest

    Took wire out of switch and door assumed itself closed so I got no
    action from passenger door speaker.... More to come- ShawnCVD
    ShawnCVD, Jul 11, 2005
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