96 Honda Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by carstruckguy, Jun 29, 2005.

  1. carstruckguy

    carstruckguy Guest

    I have just replaced a motor in this car. have checked all grounds and
    harness plugs. car cranks but will not run. have checked electrical
    system.to injectors have power to injectors but ground side does not
    pulse. is there any other things i should check befor replacing the ICM.
    the car was running but broke a rod reson for engine replacement.
    carstruckguy, Jun 29, 2005
  2. carstruckguy

    jim beam Guest

    sounds like main relay.
    jim beam, Jun 29, 2005
  3. carstruckguy

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Do you have spark at the plugs as you crank?

    Ground side of the injectors is pulsed by the ECM, which grounds the
    injector lines to turn the injectors on.

    The ECM must see that the engine is turning before it will ground the
    injectors. The crank angle sensor is the input for that. All the
    distributor connections must be good.

    As for the Main Relay as suggested by jim, you can look here:
    TeGGeR®, Jun 29, 2005
  4. carstruckguy

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Try pedal-to-the-metal for ten seconds. Engine may be flooded. It's
    explained in the owner's manual.

    motsco_ _, Jun 29, 2005
  5. carstruckguy

    motsco_ _ Guest


    That should read: Try to _start_ it with pedal-to-the-metal for ten
    seconds. It worked for me.

    motsco_ _, Jun 29, 2005
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