96 Passport AC Feels Humid

Discussion in 'Passport' started by me, Oct 3, 2004.

  1. me

    me Guest

    I just had the compressor replaced in my 96 Passport, and it's cooling
    better than before, but the air still feels warm, or a little humid, and
    seems like it takes a while to cool down after starting. I know it's
    cooling off because I have a thermomator in the vent, and on a warm day at
    noon (85 deg) it reads about 70 - 75 degrees. In the morning it will get
    down to 50 deg. But the air coming out of the vent at about a foot away
    doesn't feel cool. It kind of feels humid. Driving around town for 15 -
    20 minutes, it doesn't seem to cool off. It doesn't seem to cool off until
    I get on the expressway an am going 60MPH for about 5 minutes.

    I had the compressor replaced at a Honda dealership, and have brought it
    back once for them to look at, and they haven't been able to find anything.
    They kept it for 3 days, all of which were overcast, and didn't give it a
    chance to warm up.

    A little history, I had the compressor replaced by a local shop a little
    over a year ago with a rebuilt compressor. That one just died. Instead of
    risking another rebuilt compressor going out, I decided to pay full price
    for a new Honda part, installed by Honda techs. When Honda took off the
    compressor, they said the inside looked like liquid metal, there were so
    many fine shavings in it. They replaced the compressor, drier, and added
    R134A and Lube. It seems like for the money I spent, I should see icicles
    forming on the vents.

    My wife just had her compressor replaced in a Chevy Cavilier 2 weeks after
    mine, and she can't put the fan over half speed or she freezes out. Of
    course it's a smaller volume, but I would think the air should be cooler.

    If anyone has any suggestions, or things I should ask the dealer, I'd
    appreciate it. I plan on taking it back to the dealer again Tuesday.


    I also have a question about the suspension, which I will post in a new
    me, Oct 3, 2004
  2. me

    Woody Guest

    The temperature in the center vent should be down around 40 degrees. It
    isn't cooling. Did they check and clear the whole system when changing the
    compressor? If the previous compressor failed there could be foreign
    particles in the whole system.
    Woody, Oct 3, 2004
  3. me

    Mike Arvay Guest

    Thanks for your quick reply. This group is GREAT! Last night I took
    it for a drive to check the suspension. 9:00pm, raining, and 80 degrees
    out, got the temp down to 55 deg in the center vent. Even though it was
    cold, it didn't have that crisp chill.

    When I moved my wifes car into the garage from sitting outside for several
    hours, I immediately got cold, and I felt that chill my air doesn't give.

    I will ask them about clearing the system. I had hoped, this would be
    standard procedure, but maybe I'm giving them too much benefit.

    Thanks again.

    Mike Arvay
    Mike Arvay, Oct 4, 2004
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