'96 Passport engine light

Discussion in 'Passport' started by Smith, Oct 14, 2003.

  1. Smith

    Smith Guest

    My son's "check engine" light went on in his '96 Passport. Told him to
    check the owner's manual. No service manual. Meanwhile, can anyone
    troubleshoot for me?

    Smith, Oct 14, 2003
  2. Smith

    Andy Guest

    Go to like Autozone, and have them pull out the troubleshoot code(s).
    My 2000 Prelude 'check engine' light came on due to a failed primary
    O2 sensor; bought the part through wholesale dealership, and replaced
    it myself (dealer was going to charge $450 to fix; part cost me only
    $200) The code will tell you more accurately what's going wrong.
    Andy, Oct 14, 2003
  3. Smith

    Robert Guest

    If it's the O2 sensor, buy it from Autozone (Bosch brand $80). hparts.com
    wanted around $150, dealer $250.
    Robert, Oct 14, 2003
  4. Smith

    Smith Guest

    Thanks Robert and Andy. I'll tell my son. Assume they have Autozones in
    Idaho. Thanks again.

    If it's the O2 sensor, buy it from Autozone (Bosch brand $80). hparts.com
    wanted around $150, dealer $250.
    Smith, Oct 15, 2003
  5. Smith

    Jayz Guest

    Had this happen to me and the dealership told me that if you fill you
    car up with it running, the low pressure in the gas tank will set it
    off. It is suppose to cut back off when you start the car three times
    when it has adequate pressure, but ours would never cut back off and
    we had the get the dealership to turn it off the two times it has
    happened and they never charged us. It's definitely worth getting
    someone to diagnose it.
    Jayz, Oct 31, 2003
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