97 accord engine fan

Discussion in 'Accord' started by w, Oct 11, 2007.

  1. w

    w Guest

    After the car turns off one of the two fans keeps on running for 1-2
    minutes. I have recently replaced all the belts. Any ideas?

    w, Oct 11, 2007
  2. w

    Tegger Guest

    That's normal. That's why there's a sticker that warns you that the fans
    could come on "at any time".
    Tegger, Oct 11, 2007
  3. w

    motsco_ Guest


    Like Tegger said, but it wouldn't hurt to top up your coolant in the
    reservoir to the MAX mark and see if it stays there for two days. If it
    drops, do it again until all AIR is expelled by the heating / cooling of
    the engine.

    motsco_, Oct 11, 2007
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