97 Civic EX torque converter problem solved?

Discussion in 'Civic' started by marco, Sep 23, 2007.

  1. marco

    marco Guest

    I posted a while back that I was having problems with my torque
    converter. It kept unlocking at highway speeds and not re-locking until
    I slowed down or stopped and then accelerated again. Then the same
    thing would happen, but not every time..

    I never did get around to checking the actuators or sensors, nor did I
    delve much more deeply into the problem, because it never happened again
    after I replaced the Tires around 3 months ago. (not kidding)

    One of the old front tires had a very slow leak, and I can only guess if
    that had some effect, but I'd probably be wrong. It could also be just
    pretending to be solved.

    If I should ever find an exact reason, I'll post it.

    marco, Sep 23, 2007
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