97 Civic HX w/Whining Noise

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Roy, Jul 5, 2004.

  1. Roy

    Roy Guest

    A few years ago I posted a message here regarding a strange whining
    noise coming from my daughter's 97 Civic HX. Finally found out what
    was the problem (nearly 3 years later) so I figured I post it here in
    case anyone else needed it.

    Frequent transmission fluid changes will help, as will frequent oil
    changes. However, they won't clear it up. The local Honda dealer said
    they finally traced it back to a service bulleting issued in 2000
    regarding a "cooing" noise coming from the transmission.

    The problem is reported to be that the transmission clutch starter
    assembly is wearing out and needs replaced. The dealer quoted me $1500
    parts & labor but when I checked with the local AAmco, they warned me
    to be careful. They said they had recently done a similar one, and
    encountered a number of other issues after they "opened it up" that
    ended up costing almost $4000. They also advised that parts / rebuilt
    transmissions for this car (CVT) are very rare and hard to come by. A
    new, automatic transmission for the 97 Civic HX was then quoted at
    just over $4400.

    Needless to say, with the car being 7 years old, having 70k miles on
    it, and having transmission problems, we decided it was best to trade
    it in.
    Roy, Jul 5, 2004
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