97 Civic - Low Idle

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Mike, Aug 8, 2004.

  1. Mike

    Mike Guest

    Greetings All

    I've got a problem with my Automatic 97 EX - non-VTEC (Canadian) 127Km

    Progressively over time, I've noticed that when I come to a stop the car
    starts to shake and the idle drops below the 500 Rpm Idle.
    If I remove my foot from the brake, it'll return to idle quicker.
    Stepping on the brake definitely has an affect on the idle speed when

    This only happens when the engine is cold and goes away after it's fully
    warmed up.

    So, today I decided replace the plugs, cap, rotor and generally just clean
    things up.
    Unfortunately, the kid at NAPA didn't know what Cap and Rotor to give me, so
    I just left with the plugs and figured I'd just scrape any oxidation of the
    cap terminals for now.

    After that, I took it for a test drive and it now totally stalls at stops
    before idling at around 100, or so, RPM.

    I did properly gap the plugs to 1.1mm as per the sticker under the hood.

    Any help appreciated..
    Mike, Aug 8, 2004
  2. Mike

    Jason Guest

    After replacing cap and rotor repost and let us know if it solves the
    problem. Also, reset the timing.
    Jason, Aug 9, 2004
  3. Mike

    disallow Guest

    How about plug wires, and maybe your PCV valve?

    disallow, Aug 9, 2004
  4. Mike

    Mike Guest

    Do you mean reset the ECU ?
    I think I may have done that unintentionally.
    You see, the positive terminal of my battery was really crusty with battery
    barf so I disconnected it, cleaned and sanded the terminal post and clamp.

    Since I absolutely had to go to work today, I decided to chance it and drive
    it in anyway.
    The drive is all highway with 3 stops max between destinations.
    It ran fine. No dipping RPM, no stalling.
    It's still not a solid idle though. The car vibrates slightly at idle.

    I think I'll replace the cap and rotor as you suggest anyway.
    I need to do an emissions test before the end of the month.
    Mike, Aug 10, 2004
  5. Mike

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Mike, that's one of the same symptoms CRV will display just before
    burning valves because they are too tight.

    During warn-up, engine misfires or stalls at stop light. See what your
    manual says, and maybe get the valves adjusted...

    motsco_ _, Aug 18, 2004
  6. Mike

    Mike Guest

    Thanks Curly
    But, I think what I was experiencing was the ECM resetting after I pulled
    the terminals off to clean them.

    It idles a little better now and doesn't stall.
    I even had it at the dealer yesterday for an emmisions test and oil change.
    It passed with flying colours.

    It's still not perfect and I may bring back to do the valve adustment and
    idle setup as you suggest.
    Mike, Aug 19, 2004
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