97 Civic, tachometer jumps up

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Alpha One, Apr 25, 2005.

  1. Alpha One

    Alpha One Guest

    My daughter's 97 Civic had its engine replaced recently. Today, as the car
    went over bumps she saw a light blinking. She thinks it's the check engine

    At the same time, the tachometer would jump 500 or more RPMs, but she didn't
    notice the engine increasing in acceleration. I drove the car myself and, as
    I saw the tachometer increase by 500 to 1000 RPMs, I heard a noise twice.
    Not big nor long, but as if something was grinding against something. I
    didn't notice the engine increase in RPMs either.

    Any idea what this may be?

    Than you

    Alpha One, Apr 25, 2005
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