97 Honda Accord seatbelt retraction problem

Discussion in 'Accord' started by techman41973, Feb 5, 2005.

  1. techman41973

    techman41973 Guest

    I have a 1997 Honda Accord with about 140K miles.
    The seat belt on the drivers side doesnt retract well anymore.
    Often the belt gets caught in the door when I leave the car.
    Perhaps this is normal wear and tear on the seat belt mechanism after
    so many miles. Just wondering if anyone has a similar problem and if
    anyone tried to repair this, roughly how much should it cost?
    techman41973, Feb 5, 2005
  2. techman41973

    klijam64 Guest

    Hi. Will the belt go to the end of the track if you help it along?
    Sounds like it may just need a good lubrication, either of the
    track/slider, or the drive mechanism.
    klijam64, Feb 6, 2005
  3. techman41973

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Read your (American?) owner's manual very carefully. . . You have
    specific rights that apply to the seat belt mechanism.

    motsco_ _, Feb 6, 2005
  4. techman41973

    radar Guest

    often seat belts get worn and ever so slightly frayed becoming slightly
    'furry' which makes them reluctant to retract ( especially drivers belt ) so
    if you seat belt seems slightly furry or fluffy then shave it (carefully!)
    whith a bic or similar disposable razor. This should help!
    radar, Feb 6, 2005
  5. techman41973

    klijam64 Guest

    Oh I misunderstood the original posters question...I thought he/she
    meant the motorized retraction.

    klijam64, Feb 6, 2005
  6. techman41973

    ravelation Guest

    "motsco_ _"@interbaun.com (motsco_ _)
    I've often read in differing ngs that broken seatbelts will always be
    warrantied by the dealer, no matter the age of the vehicle. True? The
    reason I ask is we just bought an '01 Infiniti QX4 and it has a seatbelt
    that won't come out of the retractor. We signed the 'as is' clause, but
    I'm hoping a broken seatbelt would be something they'll honor with no
    quibbles or charge for the service.
    ravelation, Feb 7, 2005
  7. Read the owner's manual for the vehicle regarding warranties that apply
    to it.
    Timothy J. Lee, Feb 9, 2005
  8. techman41973

    ernests131 Guest

    I have had that same problem with the belt on my 94 civic.
    If the Accord has the same type belt as the Civic this may
    fix it. I took the cover from over the belt (heavy plastic that
    can be pryed off) and found the belt twisted just above the
    retracter. Work the twist up to the top hanger, slide the half
    fold to either side of the hanger and then pull the fold through
    the hanger, this will be a bit of a pull to get it through.
    You may have a few turns in the belt at the floor mount but they
    can be removed by turning the belt hanger around the mounting
    bolt near the floor. My belt now retracts smoothly.
    ernests131, Feb 10, 2005
  9. techman41973

    J. Guest

    You might also try cleaning the belt (soap & water only, then dried well)
    and also the guide on the pillar that the belt slides over. This was
    actually a service bulletin on my old 90 Prelude and completely cured my
    slow/hesitant retracting belt when I tried it when the car was about 7 years

    I could actually see crud on that belt guide and also used a thin stiff
    plastic sheet to help scrape it off. Don't know if Honda has changed
    materials or spacing to help alleviate that problem.

    J., Feb 13, 2005
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