97 Honda Accord Trouble

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Railven via CarKB.com, Jul 10, 2005.

  1. Car Info:
    97 Honda Accord SE
    roughly 130,000 miles
    salvage title (front end collision, repaired [supposedly]
    No prior trouble till recent collision.

    My car just started to make a really loud noise and I'm getting odd vibration.
    Roughly a month ago I got into an accident that involved hidding a curb with
    my passenger front tire. The damage I was told by the mechanic, although I've
    come to not trust this mechanic anymore, was the following:
    Spindle, Ball bearings, Control Arms, and Alignment. All of which I had him
    repair, costing me around 1200US with labor.

    After I got my car back I noticed a odd noise. I've attempted to get a hold
    of this mechanic but they always seem to be busy.

    I tolerated the noise because I have no money to take it to get checked at
    the moment. But suddently to day the noise got 10x worse and now the car
    vibrates oddly. I noticed handling and steering isn't affected. But it does
    make some really loud noise when turning sometimes. I've got a constant
    "clank--clank--clank" type of noise. Now it is a louder clank, vibration,
    with a random sharp clank.

    I read on some of the forums that it could be my front axle. It is something
    I've been wondering. I plan on taking the car to a dealer or a recommended
    mechanic. I'm going to have them look it over and check the prior mechanics
    work, if it doesn't check out I'm taking that mechanic to court.

    Aside all that, can anyone make a guess at what could be wrong?

    Railven via CarKB.com, Jul 10, 2005
  2. Certainly its something to do with the axle and wheel that was damaged. I'm
    guessing that some corners were cut during the "repair". eg parts
    reassembled rather than replaced. If the control arms had to be replaced,
    the axle probably needed replacement too. It may have been pushed into the
    transmission, causing impact damage.

    It sounds like the car is probably unsafe. Get it looked at immediately,
    either at the garage that "fixed" it if you can, or elsewhere.

    Stewart DIBBS
    Stewart DIBBS, Jul 10, 2005

  3. Certainly I was thinking that from the get go. After my little accident I
    started reading various Honda forums and I kept coming to same conclusion
    that I had axle trouble. I guess now I should do something about since the
    car feels totally unsafe while driving.

    I do remember the mechanic saying the impact bent the engine carriage in and
    that he had to pull it a bit. I wonder how this "a bit" actually was now.

    Would have any idea how much a new azle would run me?

    Thanks again.
    Railven via CarKB.com, Jul 10, 2005
  4. Railven via CarKB.com

    Erik Guest

    Are all your lug nuts tight?

    Erik, Jul 10, 2005
  5. Of course, that was my first suspect. As soon as the noise started I pulled
    over on the highway and checked them all with my jack. I even took off the
    tire to reposition it from the spot where it sounded the loudest.

    It turns out it is the axle. A mechanic in the family took it for a drive and
    said something about the caps, gasket I believe he said, on the ends of the
    axle are taking wear and tear. I had driven it during a recent thunder storm,
    probably th emost rain we've had here in New England since my first car
    accident. He thinsk the rain could have gotten dirt into the joints and is
    slowly destroying them.

    Thanks again.
    Railven via CarKB.com, Jul 11, 2005
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